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server trouble


Jul 26, 2011
Sorry about that guys but its been a nightmare last 24 hrs.

All i did was remove a mailbox and everything went tits up, so while we were down i thought i would change everything to betcult and it just esculated the problem.

Then to top it off i had to go out last night as it was my aniversary so i signed upto 'aplatinum server' they are external server specialists that we used to use on TDP in the early days, i paid up then came back last night expecting everything to be fixed only to find they only use cpanel and not plesk.

fcuk so i've stayed up till 7 in the morning working on it myself, I've got most things back but I've had to use a backup of the database taken from thursday night, so i apolgise for any lost posts and to any members that may need to re register, I could have a bash at connecting the last db backup i created but i think i should quit while i'm ahead as 10 mins ago I thought i may have to start the lot from scratch.
Welcome to TDP, lol

Only joking, was begining to think i might of been a political issue. Glad it's back anyway.
If anything it taught me how to use most of the controls in the plesk control panel.
I better write down what i did for future ref.
glad it back , thought it might have been a manouver from the swedes

even had one message saying that www.betnod.com did not exist anymore
That message wasn't far from the truth at times :laugh.
I posted up two horses on Friday. Pressed "Post Reply" and fuck all happened. One of them won at 16 to fucking 1!!!

I'm surprised you couldn't hear me from Manchester:laugh

Don't get me wrong , I backed it but I've tipped a few losers since this place opened and this would have put me in the black.
I'll email you pair of bastards a screencap but I don't want it posting up here as I don't want everybody knowing my business.

As a matter of fact, i backed three winners on the Firday AND three on the day before but I was off out visiting, so didn't have time to post up Thursday.

I hate you both.:angry
He's deliberately misspelt friday there to throw us off the scent, Slick :devilish
Well, 2 things spring out at me from that. One is, why have a £1 single on a 7/2 shot when the previous bet was a £2k gamble on a 12/1, & 2, I'd never have guessed Slicks name was Hubert :D
Hubert smith , brilliant name at least its never taken when i sign upto anywhere, My brothers worse off as they named him Sharon.

At least that email did come from ODM, I've not opened it yet i has reservations opening any attachements in dodgey emails, especially when they're addressed 'open this you bastard!'.
Seems we're also popular for дрова древторг

Haven't a bleeding clue what that means or what language it is but after putting it into google translate it means 'Firewood' :thinking
I'm going to be tinkering with the server over the next few weeks so if strange things start to happen or we fcuk off for a while you know why.
Our current hosts are closing down their data centre in December so we need to find a new home as our renewal fees are due in a couple of weeks.
As we haven't made a penny in the last couple of years don't be surprised if we have more down than ups as I try to do it on the cheap:lol

I'm hanging on in because I'm hoping to retire in the next couple of years and then I can commit a lot more time to Betnod because at the moment everything is broken and outdated, it needs a complete overhaul.
It's been 9 years since the forum software was updated, that's about the same time I was given a new role at work that's swallowed up all my time and gradually reduced my time spent on the forum.
I'm aiming to retire when my mortgage is due for renewal in June 2026, then hopefully I can pay it off with my pension lump sum, Ideally Redundancies occur before then and I get to jump ship sooner.