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Betfair - wtf?

Discussion in 'Betting Talk' started by Wayne, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Not logged in to my account.

    ScreenHunter_13 Jan. 16 23.55.jpg

    Logged in to my account.

    ScreenHunter_12 Jan. 16 23.55.jpg

    And if I keep logging in and out, the prices appear and disappear exactly as above.

    What the fook is that about?
  2. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Incidentally U139.5 is 1.8 at B365 so U153.5 at 1.75 is massive value and a max bet for me.

    I can only assume Betfair are playing games.........

    Any ideas anyone? I've sent an email to Betfair to get their copy and paste response.

    ONEDUNME Administrator

    Cunts. will be interested to hear their response
  4. Seen

    Seen Moderator

    Don't hold your breath...
  5. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Game finished at 139 points so would have been an easy winner.

    No response yet.
  6. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    One thing Betfair are good at is sending you one of their cut and paste responses within 24 hours.

    I haven't heard a thing yet..........


    ONEDUNME Administrator

    I'm surprised at that - thought they'd have pre-prepared statements for such an eventuality. A cynic might think that it would indicate that they are offering different prices to different customers, maybe in an effort to deter some of them from certain markets.
    I'm not sure how they would benefit from that but, as I said, I'd be interested to see what they come back with - if they ever do, given that they've proven beyond all doubt that they don't give a flying fuck about their customers and their customer service is the least of their priorities. Their mission statement seems to be "If you don't like it, fuck off". The same one that served the likes of British Gas,British Telecom and the BBC so well before they had any competition.

    If only some fucker would take them on - there's a million people out there who would switch tomorrow if the likes of Betdaq were just a bit more proactive.
  8. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    Well here's the reply (eventually).

    I have spoken with the relevant teams who have not been able to replicate the same issue that you seem to have experienced and we have also not had any other customers experience the same change in odds.

    The odds you see when you are not logged in will not be the most up-to-date as they do not refresh in real time and those odds could have been what was available an hour ago, before you opened the site. We are able to look into this further but we would require to see the times that both screen shots were taken so we can investigate this. Unfortunately, there were no timings on the screen shots that you provided so we are unable to look into this further at this moment in time.

    Can someone more 'techy' tell me if that makes sense? Slick?

    I've fired back the screenshot timings for them to 'investigate'.
  9. Seen

    Seen Moderator

    This strongly suggests that they're talking bollocks.
  10. beamer

    beamer Moderator

    My refresh rate is completely different when logged off , which at a guess is every 60 seconds, as opposed to every .2 seconds when logged on. I don't know when this occurred but it's got to be relatively recent.

    Still does not explain the screenshots though.
  11. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    I understand if the refresh rate is not as quick on the logged out screen than the logged in screen and I'm guessing that the 1.75 odds were available before the match started as there is zero liquidity on these NCAAB unders/overs markets when in play. This was at half-time though so the match had been inplay for 30 minutes at the very least. Surely logged out pages are refreshed more frequently than that?

    I forgot to mention, I placed a bet at 1.75 when I logged back in and it was not taken. I cancelled it, logged back out and the 1.75 offer had re-appeared! Logged back in, gone.
  12. Wayne

    Wayne Active Member

    I did get another reply this morning.

    Doesn't this reply just sum Betfair up!

    Due to the nature of the Exchange, the prices and liquidity of markets can change very change especially when In-Play. After examining the screenshots provided what I believed occurred is during the 26 seconds you were logged out a new price of 1.75 was loaded into the market by our customers. Because we work under Best Execution, as 1.75 is a higher price than the previous 1.02 and 1.01 it was placed at the top of the queue to be matched. I can also see further money was placed into the market as after you logged out prices and liquidity occurred on the lay side.

    Rather logging out and logging in I strongly suggest to use the refresh button to view the most recent odds. This force the site to load the most recent odds straight away rather than waiting for the market to automatically refresh. If you are logging out and then logging back in you are decreasing your chance of having bets matched due to the time it takes to do so. Please see the attachment as I have highlighted the refresh button for you.

    At least I understand how to use the refresh button now. Fucking morons.
    I've politely asked them to stop treating me like a mug and to investigate what they said they'd investigate.

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