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Discussion in 'Tech and Info' started by winrew, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. winrew

    winrew GILF

    Just bought one , not bothered about all this i-phone stuff , just wanted to get a decent music player , got a 8 gig one at present , needed summat a wee bit bigger ( its the 160 G one ) Tons of room now.

    Anyway , its not letting me stick my old music on , even though it went on the previous one , any ideas ?

    Also , how do i stick a film on it , does it need to be mp4 ? If so , what converts DIV X , DVD , MPEG etc etc ...

    Er , Ta .........
  2. winrew

    winrew GILF

    Managed to get a movie on it , got a programme that coverts it to MP4.
    Still struggling to get music on it ....
  3. slick

    slick Administrator

    I'm not so sure m8 as I've never owned one, the daughter has one mind and I'm pretty sure you need the software that comes with the phone installing on a pc to transfer things across, Itunes rings a bell.

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