Oooft the Danes are lighting the stage up now. Got to say I fancy them to at least make the final. Ericsson fired them up? The whole sentiments that your only here once you may never get another chance .... They were good before the tourney and now they have made a statement in last 2 games they are back.
Italians vs Austria tonight. Hmm previous games have always been tight. I don't fancy the Austrian squad to be bringing any surprises and see Italy being composed and taking their chances. Still on an amazing unbeaten run.
I have went for Immobile to score 2 @ 9/1
Also got Locatelli to score anytime @ 6/1
Puta quid on Locatteli to score 2 @100/1 enhanced odds.
Found other prices to be quite poor tbh. Hopefully be a cracker and loads of goals. Loving this tourney at the moment.