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FA Cup prediction comp




1st round of the FA Cup drawn this evening.

There is a FA Cup competition that I played last season [and won] that I’d love to piggy back on this site during FA Cup weekends.

Basically it is one that every player has a token £250 start up money and can bet as much or little of it on a match result [W D or L]. Player wins or loses exact amount bet.

It is just a fun game and no prize money [not from me anyway].

Over to you guys – are you interested?
Can't see why not. What do you need us to do? When you say "piggy back" do you mean run a parallel comp' on her or just post links to the comp that you're in?
Can't see why not. What do you need us to do? When you say "piggy back" do you mean run a parallel comp' on her or just post links to the comp that you're in?
I'd run competition solely for my Betnod pals.
Each FA weekend I would plan to remind everybody to add their FA Cup forecasts on the established Gameweek thread and give update end that week's matches.
I'm game if enough people are interested Tom:thumb
Here is a test run to show how the competition works.
Predictas nominate club they think will win tie.
You'll notice that some clever clogs could double their winnings if they correctly bet on a draw and then correctly bet on winner of replay.
Looks good Newman :thumb. Have moved this to its own separate thread just to keep the other thread limited to the main comp.
Looks good Newman :thumb. Have moved this to its own separate thread just to keep the other thread limited to the main comp.
I'll start to prepare chart and post ties asap.