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I don't know why the Germans are getting so excited. This is boring tosh.
Oh my. This is rather soul destroying isn’t it? He’s standing still by the sounds of it… and standing still.. and still standing still…. on and on… whine whine… I would have an overwhelming urge to storm the stage and slap him around with vigorous delight.

If this had a less whiny vocal it might be tolerable but not by much. He’s standing still whereas I’m getting the fuck out of here. So long whiny boy.
When I heard the first video of this I thought it was a bit boring and dull, but after hearing the official video I like it. Has it changed some bit or is it just me. Think this could do well.
wow after suffering some abysmal shite this one is ticking the boxes. a song that goes somewhere, with a catchy chorus. if he can do a good live vocal he should get some solid jury support and he's good looking enough to get some action from the teenage girls. it wouldn't be out of place in the uk charts. the only thing i'd question is there enough there to produce a 'lena factor' to overcome germany's lack of allies... certainly deserves to be a contender imo.
It's a decent 3 minutes Rob, but can we watch him for three minutes? That's where I feel it may unravel. the Germans need to devise a good stage show.