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Gold Medal Table


Jul 26, 2011
Just starting this now for SEO reasons..

USA 1.61
China 2.20
Great Britain & NI 41.00
Russia 41.00
Germany 151.00
Australia 151.00
France 251.00

Can't argue with the first two but I'll be very suprised if we finish third in the Gold medal table.
Looking at the Beijing Olympics 2008 I notice China produced 51 golds,21 silver and 28 bronze. USA ended with 36 gold,38 silver,36 bronze. I don't know whether you're counting the number of golds or the total number of medals won.. for me it's always the number of golds.You could also divide the number of medals into the population of that country if you wanted to get finicky,so USA with 300million is ahead of China with a 1.3 billion population. I see you have the USA ahead in your table,but why would the result be any different in London? On a more controversial tack,I can't help looking back to the days when I could believe the results were all the athletes' work and not a product of some pharmacological enhancement..if I'm allowed to post this clip from the 200m Olympic final in Moscow in 1980,which had the distinction of physiques I could believe in,and the quirk of the boycott of American athletes..
On the other side of the coin though Steve the Eastern European women of around the same era also had a distinct physical advantage through pharmacological enhancement, in retutn we had Fatima to give them a throw for their money.
I suppose from the angle of this site the drug issue makes the betting all the more difficult;set against this is the home advantage of the British team whose coaches should know the layout of the show jumping or the canoeing and kayaking courses,but then again you will have athletes for whom the endorsements for the latest designer trainers or chocolate bar comes before winning an uncertain medal.