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Nina Zilli will represent Italy at Eurovision. We don't yet know whether this will be her song. I preferred Erica Mou, who actually won the newcomers award, the one that Raphael Gualazzi won last year.
I'll just paste in my initial comments from escbet for now on all these songs.

Oh dear. This definitely falls into the “painfully bland” category. So so boring. Uninspiring. It’s like something playing on a cruise ship to elderly couples. Very poor indeed and absolutely no chance of doing anything. It’ll be hovering around the very lowest reaches I think.
I dont think it's boring. I kind of like it. Not my favourite, but above average of the ones released so far. She sings well, and for me the song itself is a good one. Probably not winning material, but I might fancy this to top10. Need to wait for all the entries before I start betting (there isnt top10 bets open anywhere yet, so for that reason also :p)
I think we're bitter more than anything Kimmo. Well I am, I wanted Erica Mou!
this is a jury magnet. placed in the right part of the running order and contrasted with something trashy it could fly. she is quite personable and effectively gets the emotion of the song across. definitely a top ten contender and higher in the right circumstances. my only worry is that it gets the same fate as other female singers with strong voices in recent years e.g. austria last year (i know thats a bad memory for you mickey... sorry)

so who is erica mou... i'm intrigued...
Sorry, Rob. We've been so busy with escbet we haven't had time to update this forum fully! Here's Italy's new entry. Even better!

Here's erica mou
now that i'm looking at the right video i'm less impressed. while i'm liking the music and the beat is quite infectious, her performance is not as personable as the earlier videos - in fact she looks pissed off until she gets to the end and smiles - more of that please. also i think english is a mistake - this would have been great in italian, as it is i'm finding it difficult to understand the words - are there other languages in there as well - might as well be from what i'm filtering? still a jury magnet i'm thinking, but will it get enough public votes to challenge? i'm not so sure now? need a live performance...
In Iceland's entry I think the english works well, but in this one I dont like it. seems forced somehow. I also dont like songs with multiple languages. Either go with Italia completely, or English completely. Mixed seems desperate in my opinion. Fishing for votes, as English entries usually do better. Granted there are a lot more english entries than entries with countries original language. But last year there were 3 mixed language songs in top10 so what do I know. But personally I just dont like mixed, it seems doctored for this event only. Keep it original imho!
I know Gavster. I didnt like that last year either. I mean I liked the song, but not mixing languages. I'm not saying it wont work. Just my own opinion that I dont like it. I mean obviously it worked last year for Italy. And for Bosnia decently also.
If someone wants into the Italian gravy train, go get NordicBet's 15.0. right now it's the best value for Italy out there, as the odds on most places are around 10-11. It might still go down. Maybe, not sure. But I expect her to be a decent performer and be strong when the rehearsals start. The great odds are history with Italy, but tha seems decent right now.
If someone wants into the Italian gravy train, go get NordicBet's 15.0. right now it's the best value for Italy out there, as the odds on most places are around 10-11. It might still go down. Maybe, not sure. But I expect her to be a decent performer and be strong when the rehearsals start. The great odds are history with Italy, but tha seems decent right now.

Nordic bet aren't offering e/w though
you are right sir. I didnt check it, somehow thought they do have e/w. Didnt take it, I got italy already, just wanted to give a tip for others :)
Id take that price gladly-but Im just too lazy to open an account just for this 1 bet.
There's another live performance of her here singing in the hair salon;it is quite Amy Winehouse as I read somewhere..it doesn't blow me away but at least Italy have got the plot and I'm sure it will be challenging for second or third along with Iceland and Azerbaijan: