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Latvia Pre-selection



View attachment 106 Latvia has begun it's selection process for Eurovision 2012 and has published all 70 entries on its Eiroziesma site for people to vote. The public vote will not be final, but will form only a recommendation. A panel of seven judges will then select what it thinks are the best 20 songs to proceed to the semi-finals.

The chosen 20 entries will be revealed on November 8th, whilst the identity of the performers will be delayed until December 1st.

The singers will then undergo a live audition, where they will be assessed by a panel of experts, who possess the power to either approve or reject the act.

The televised stage of Eirodziesma will consist of two semifinals, to be aired on January 7th and 14th, featuring 10 songs each. Five songs from each show will proceed to the final by a process of jury and televoting, which is split 50/50. The final is scheduled for February 18th.
:zhail how do you come by such detailed information? do the latvians post it in english somewhere?

does anyone know any latvian bookies running a book on this...? :thinking
Song 26 is soooo going to get the boot for plagiarism. What song does it sound like?
That was painful!

For me, the best songs are:

4 - Thank You
28 - Big Dance
43 - My Dreams

For the record, Latvia will not win Eurovision in 2012! There, you heard it here first!
Gav I tend to agree. After listening to presumably the best 20 songs on the website, nothing really jumped out and screamed "back me now".

Perhaps 'Musical Thief' could add a bit of comedy value on the night in a trainwreck kinda way if it got the nod.

It's obvious after last year's debacle that Latvia just aren't taking this competition seriously anymore.

They should just ditch this entire process and send 'Banjo Laura' to Baku, and then all will be forgiven!
you know,I have little idea how much you guys make betting on this,but whatever it is its thoroughly deserved.
I would want £100 an hr to do this(seriously),I mean just listening to the songs not from betting.
as it is I bet on football and the worst thing I need to do is read reports..

anyway RESPECT
btw,I have actually bet(and won)on xfactor the 2 previous seasons,though I cant even remember who I bet on now.
(I used to go the bar where jamie afro sang and he did one of my bets...which lost!)

but after the first year I recorded it,then only ever watched the last 30 seconds of the performance and the judges comments...so about 10 mins per 2 hour show(I believe).(well I watched Jamie all the way through)

that was acceptable