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I don’t really hate it that much which is surprising as it is very 70′s Eurovision sounding and… all over very amateurish and poorly sang. Feels like it’s really dragging on now after 2 minutes. Ok. I’m starting to hate it now.

Whoever it was that said this could be the worst year ever may well be right. My heart is sinking. :( Nothing is qualifying and the competition is canceled. Goodbye.
Just as I was about to say how from what I've heard so far that this year was looking decent. It's ahead of 2010 and 2011 for me so far anyway (this song has no bearing btw, its just an unfortunate coincedence that Im on this thread when saying things like that.)
Her eyes are fucking mental! Have they jacked her up on Ritalin to get her through the song as well?
They're suffering from the ten year anniversary of Marie N who won the contest with facial expressions and taking off clothes(who says choreography doesn't matter)?The song has a catchy chorus and I've seen a better version than this of her in a posh frock,but quite often one expects them to improve and it just stays the same..
I've seen that Steve, but performed live, it's always a different story. They've obviously chopped the 'eye' moments too.
Someone kick some sense to me! Have I gone mad, since I've started to fancy this as a possible qualifier. It has some peculiar lyrics, but other than that it is acually a bit catchy.
Well I'm glad you said that and not me,as I wouldn't have got away with it. She's the most beautiful girl in the contest,a Baltic Gaby Roslin who makes this melody flow. I hope she gets to meet Sir Mick Jagger and Sir Paul McCartney whom she mentions in the song.
Well I'm glad you said that and not me,as I wouldn't have got away with it. She's the most beautiful girl in the contest,a Baltic Gaby Roslin who makes this melody flow. I hope she gets to meet Sir Mick Jagger and Sir Paul McCartney whom she mentions in the song.

Have you seen her eyes Steve?


I have been reviewing everything today and nearly did a u-turn. Then I saw the live version again and stuck to my guns. The video looks fairly slick. They've clearly trained her to keep her eyes half open, that, or someone's slipped her a pill. Wait until she sings live in Baku, those eyes will fill the screen!
Oh I'm not a fan, just saying it has a fighting chance :p Before I thought it has no chance.. but I'm warming up to this. A little. Maybe I need to take a small break, my head is spinning with all the eurovision stuff I've been going through of late :) I guess the rehearsals will tell me more, so maybe I'm not touching this before that. 3.5 seems somewhat lucrative though..

Her eyes are gaping once again. The studio version was carefully edited to hide them, but in truth, they never went away. The performance is admittedly very good and the big notes at the end were impressive. I still don't see this qualifying. In fact, most of Latvia's points will likely be awarded by the juries.