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Week 13, Fri 5th to Mon 8th November 2021

Week 13 scores:

Kegman 7.65 (draws at Leeds, Everton and Brighton)
Rcgills 3.4 (Southampton, overs at Cartagena and Union Adarve)
Winrew 2.7 (Cardiff, Palace)
Nawoo 2.3 (Blackpool)
Punter 2.25 (Hereford)
Slick 2.25 (draw at Everton)
Howson 1.8 (Swindon)
Traeth 0

Week 13 table:
1 - Slick 41.40
2 - Nawoo 38.50
3 - Traeth 38.00
4 - Rcgills 37.79
5 - Howson 36.37
6 - Winrew 36.18
7 - Kegman 29.55
8 - Punter 28.61
9 - ODM 27.59

Highest weekly score :- Slick 10.6 (week 1)

Well done to Kegman, 3 draws picked give him the week's highest score, and move him up away from the bottom of the table at ODM's expense. Slick pulls a bit further clear at the top, and Nawoo's now up to lead the chasing pack.

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