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Week 14 Comp picks Friday 4th to Monday 7th November 2022

Week 14 scores:

Slick 2.3 (draw at Forest)
Kegman 1.93 (Liverpool, Stevenage)
Winrew 1.37 (Carlisle)
Traeth 0.95 (Norwich)
Rcgills 0
ODM and Nawoo - No picks

Week 14 table:

1 - Slick 45.25
2 - Winrew 42.45
3 - Traeth 41.54
4 - Kegman 41.56
5 - ODM 33
6 - Rcgills 32.77
7 - Nawoo 17.9

Highest weekly score: Slick 9.4 (week 2)

Not a lot to say about this week, really. Must try harder :shit