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Week 15, Fri 19th to Mon 22nd November 2021

Week 15 scores:

Nawoo 6.35 (Sampdoria, Norwich, draw at Celta)
Rcgills 5.35 (Crewe HT/FT, Norwich)
Slick 4.6 (draws at Burnley and Newcastle)
Punter 2.65 (Villa, Hereford)
Traeth 2.32 (Sunderland, Wycombe)
ODM 2.1 (Wolves)
Winrew 1.45 (Villa)
Howson 0
Kegman - No picks

Week 15 table:

1 - Slick 48.80
2 - Nawoo 48.52
3 - Rcgills 47.54
4 - Howson 42.32
5 - Traeth 41.94
6 - Winrew 37.63
7 - Punter 35.64
8 - Kegman 31.58
9 - ODM 29.69

Highest weekly score :- Slick 10.6 (week 1)

Well done to Nawoo, top score of the week, and within just 0.28pts of Slick now. At the other end, a no-show from Kegman allows ODM to close the gap.

Traeth, the Wigan game was called off due to a Covid outbreak among the Oxford team, I think. If you see this in time, you can pick a replacement from Monday's games.
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