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Week 2 Friday 12th to Monday 15th August

Week 2 scores:

Slick 9.4 (draws at Southampton, Brighton, Chelsea and Wolves)
Traeth 7.1 (draws at Brighton, Southampton and Chelsea)
Kegman 4.6 (draws at Brighton and Wolves)
ODM 4.0 (Forest, unders at Wolves)
Winrew 3.55 (Villa, Brentford)
Nawoo 2.75 (Brentford)
Rcgills 2.75 (Brentford)
Newman 0

Week 2 table:

1 - ODM 10.75
2 - Slick 9.4
3 - Traeth 9.2
4 - Rcgills 7.97
5 - Nawoo 7.05
6 - Kegman 6.07
7 - Winrew 5.9
8 - Newman 2.87

Highest weekly score: Slick 9.4 (week 2)

Well done to Slick, 4 draws giving him the week's highest score, if West Ham had scored their penalty it probably would've tied up the highest weekly score contest even at this early stage. Good week for Traeth too with 3 draws. ODM stays top though thanks to Forest's win, which I'm sure he'll have been delighted about.

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