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Week 26 Friday 4th to Monday 7th Febuary 2022

Week 26 scores:

Slick 7.25 (draws at Man Utd and Burnley)
Nawoo 4.65 (Mainz, Blackpool, Preston)
Howson 3.33 (Colchester)
Winrew 3.3 (Oxford, Stoke, Everton)
Kegman 2.2 (Everton, Forest Green)
Traeth 2.2 (draw at Barrow)
Punter 1.0 (Everton)
Rcgills 0
ODM - No picks submitted

Week 26 table:

1 - Slick 94.25
2 - Howson 91.24
3 - ODM 83.54
4 - Winrew 72.90
5 - Nawoo 68.35
6 - RC 66.59
7 - Traeth 64.84
8 - Punter 61.52
9 - Kegman 60.22

Highest Weekly Score :- Slick 10.6 (week 1)

Well done to Slick, top score of the week and back above Howson to the top of the table. ODM's late show means he loses ground to the top 2.