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Week 3 Friday 19th to Monday 22nd August

Week 3 scores:

Traeth 7.75 (Southamtpon, Leeds)
Winrew 5.03 (Palace, Fulham, Barrow, Stevenage)
Nawoo 4.45 (Palace, Betis, Freiburg)
Kegman 3.5 (Ipswich, Mansfield, Aberdeen)
Slick 2.6 (draw at Everton)
ODM 2.3 (draw at Fleetwood)
Rcgills - Forgot to post :duh
Newman has PM'd to say he's dropping out of the comp

Week 3 table:

1 - Traeth 16.95
2 - ODM 13.05
3 - Slick 12.00
4 - Nawoo 11.50
5 - Winrew 10.93
6 - Kegman 9.57
7 - Rcgills 7.97

Highest weekly score: Slick 9.4 (week 2)

Well done to Traeth, a couple of great picks at big prices give him the week's highest score and take him to the top. High-scoring week all round, except for one fuckwit who forgot all about the competition and drops straight to the bottom as a result :embarassed

Will update later if ODM's last pick is a winner. If I remember :leaving
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