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Week 3 Friday 25th to Monday 28th August 2023

Week 3 scores:

ODM 10.5 (West Ham, draw at Arsenal)
Kegman 5.75 (Norwich HT/FT, Newport, draw at Coventry)
Winrew 3.85 (Preston, draw at Stevenage)
Rcgills 3.45 (Wolves, overs at Gillingham)
Slick 2.3 (draw at Hull)
Traeth 2.3 (Norwich, Villa)

Week 3 table:

1 - Kegman 15.75
2 - ODM 13.9
3 - Slick 11.9
4 - Rcgills 8.85
5 - Winrew 6.85
6 - Traeth 6.32

Highest weekly score: ODM 10.5 (week 3)

Decent week for most this week, ODM especially, two high-priced winners giving him the highest weekly score and moving him up to 2nd. Kegman's good form continues and keeps him out in front.

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Damn that Nunez wanker for costing me more points in time added on. As if i didn’t loathe him enough already