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Week 30 Friday 4th to Monday 7th March 2022

Week 30 scores:

Winrew 6.0 (Derby, Carlisle, Newcastle, Villa)
Rcgills 4.65 (Newcastle, Wigan HT/FT, overs at Fuenlabrada)
Nawoo 3.85 (Millwall, Preston)
Punter 1.75 (Newcastle)
Howson 1.7 (Newcastle)
Kegman 0.6 (Grimsby)
Slick 0
Traeth 0
Newman - No picks

Week 30 table:

1 - Slick 106.65
2 - Howson 103.64
3 - ODM 95.44
4 - Winrew 89.15
5 - Nawoo 85.25
6 - RC 83.31
7 - Punter 81.52
8 - Kegman 65.75
9 - Traeth 64.84
10 - Newman 13.35

Highest Weekly Score :- Slick 10.6 (week 1)

Well done to Winrew, week's highest score, and with the top 3 all struggling, he's closed the gap a bit. Only Wolves losing to Palace denied him the 5-fold as well.

At the other end, Kegman is off the bottom at Traeth's expense (well, that's if we don't count Newman who only joined 2/3s of the way through the season).