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Week-7-weekend from friday-16th-september

Week 6 table:
1 - ODM 26.25
2 - Winrew 22.73
3 - Slick 21.60
4 - Traeth 21.05
5 - Kegman 19.37
6 - Rcgills 16.77
7 - Nawoo 15.30

Highest weekly score: Slick 9.4 (week 2)

Week 7
Kegman, Leyton orient 1.85, =0.85
Winrew, Villa 2.10, Everton 2.90, Carlisle 2.20, Crewe 2.20 = 5.4
Traeth, Everton 2.90 = 1.90
RC, Crewe 2.20, SD Beasain overs 2.60 = 2.80
Slick, Sheff U 2.30 = 1.30
Nawoo no show.

Week 7 table:
1 - Winrew 28.13
2 - ODM 26.25
3 - Traeth 22.95
4 - Slick 22.90
5 - Kegman 20.22
6 - Rcgills 19.57
7 - Nawoo 15.30

Highest weekly score: Slick 9.4 (week 2)

Well done to Winrew this week , his 4 timer takes him to the top of the league, other than that quite low scores all around with Traeth noe nudging into 3rd spot by 0.05 points.