Week 9
ODM: Salford draw 3.30, Reading 2.20 , = 3.50
RC: AFC Wimbledon 2.20 = 1.20
Traeth: Arsenal 2.05, Everton 3.40,Derby 2.15, Bradford 2.15 = 5.75
Slick: 0
Nawoo: Overs Getafe 2.37 = 1.37
Winrew: Arsenal 2.05, Blackburn 2.30 = 2.35
Kegman: Norwich 1.85, Plymouth 2.80 = 2.65
Week 9 table
1 - Traeth 32.52
2 - Winrew 31.58
3 - ODM 29.75
4 - Slick 25.70
5 - Kegman 24.27
6 - Rcgills 21.92
7 - Nawoo 17.97
Highest weekly score: Slick 9.4 (week 2)
I think the sums are right but plse double check.
Good week for Traeth who falls one short of bagging a five timer but nevertheless his score takes him to the top of the table.