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Second Football teams


Apparently everybody has a second football team that you wish all the best along with your own team.

I don't because I don't give a fcuk about any other scores apart from Man City.

I could mention a few I have a soft spot for But I wouldn't say they were my second team.
I used to like to watch Arsenal because they played better football than anyone else but i’d hate to be a supporter . Fucking diabolical that they haven’t been able to build a team who can actually challenge for the league . that was the point of moving to the new stadium-to be able to compete.

That was 15 years ago and they’ve as much chance now as Wolves have of winning the league .

i can’t understand people who say who are your scottish club? What the fuck? Scottish football is dog shit and siding with Celtic or Rangers is about as exciting as picking a team to win the boat race
There's only one team in Scotland, Albion Rovers. Up the wee Rovers!

I've loved two clubs most of my life, in no particular order Hereford and Liverpool.
I was brought up watching Dixie McNeil smash goals in at Edgar St. I was either McNeil or Dalglish in the school play ground. McNeil scored 35 league goals in the 75/76 season as we won League one and headed in to todays Championship. He was top scorer of all four divisions

Also as an 11yr old back then the average crowd was around 9,000 and i was witnessing football hooliganism for the first time. A little shocked at first i started to lt look forward to it. I watched Millwall and Chelsea perform there, Cardiff were the worst i've seen there. Away fans always got battered though because they were out numbered.

There was always fighting back then, but they rarely threw any of them out the ground, coppers used to march the away fans back up to their own end instead. I always found it fun watching them being walked/marched back up and as they'd pass us i'd count the nose bleeds.

Liverpool were on the tv a lot more than most back then. I loved watching them play they were just awesome to watch and always lifting trophies. "Toshack to Keegan" is where it started for me. And i loved the Kop with the flags and banners. The way the crowd would come tumbling forward every time a goal went in.
I cried like a baby when we lifted number 5 in 2005.

All told i think i've been to Anfield maybe 80 times and Hereford must be getting close to 400. Hereford is a lot closer and cheaper but i love the clubs equally. The fact that they are worlds apart in football allows me to love both.

I do get soft spots for other teams (which i could easily dislike the following season). This seasons soft spot is for Leyton Orient and without having a bet i'd like to see them win the league. For a few reasons but mainly for Justin Edinbrugh
I do think they are fantastic e.w value @ 16/1 though, and from at trading view i reckon they'll be under 6/1 by the end of January. They currently sit 6th and have a goal ratio of 25-12 from the first 15 games
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Great post mate. Love it.

I went to watch my local team a few times as a teenager but mostly cos' some of my mates did and i had nowt else to do. Now I dislike them intensely. No that's not right, it's the fans that I dislike. I know I'm in a minority but I just can't help finding grown men wearing replica shirts fuckin' pathetic (like dressing up as your favorite superhero) and I find scheduling your whole autumn/winter/spring months around when a football team plays absolutely ridiculous but to some people it seems to be their whole life. Sad as fuck.

Most of all though, I hate it when grown men (yes, you mate:lol) cry over fucking football. It's bad enough when they show kids crying at football matches and if my lad ever did it I'd give him a slap around the back of the head and tell his to sort his fucking priorities out. Obviously, I've got emotional over football matches and been euphoric and absolutely gutted (Zamora, Wembley, 90 something minute plus any amount of German penalties) and there is nothing more infuriating than when someone who isn't interested in football says it's only a game but the fact is, it is only a game and I always think that people who have season tickets and travel to every away game either do it for the social side (which is fine) or they've got fuck all else in their lives (which is sad, but also fine but don't try to pretend that you're following some great worthwhile crusade and what you're doing is important - it isn't).

Football fans are like children. They jump up and down when they're happy, they cry when they don't get what they want and they sing moronic songs which often don't make any fucking sense but make them feel like they're in a gang with their mates.

When I walk into the local pub and see half a dozen sad-fucks playing dress-up in their heroes shirt and talking about how shit the ref has been that day, I shake my head. Most of the cunts have been watching football for decades but haven't played since they were made to at school and know as much about football as my dead nan. Listening to them makes me want to buy the club and tarmac over the fucking lot to see what they would do with their sad lives.

Even worse than the local supporters are blokes who walk into the pub wearing a replica Man United or Liverpool shirt from ten years ago who have never actually been to the ground but, depending on how they're doing at the time, assume some kind of superiority of other fans purely on the basis that they woke up one day and decided to "support" a club who has won something. They are a particular kind of cunt and I hate them above any others.

Anyway, yeah, I quite like Arsenal:lol
Still follow Guingamp's results, they were my nearest team (well, in the top 3 divisions at least) when I lived in France. Didn't have a season ticket there, but may as well have done, went to most home games for a couple of years. Back then they had Drogba and Malouda playing for them, had already told my mates about Drogba long before he joined Chelsea - he was absolutely immense, was clearly going to make it at a higher level (Guingamp were Ligue 1 at the time, but a small team for that level).
Great post mate. Love it.

I went to watch my local team a few times as a teenager but mostly cos' some of my mates did and i had nowt else to do. Now I dislike them intensely. No that's not right, it's the fans that I dislike. I know I'm in a minority but I just can't help finding grown men wearing replica shirts fuckin' pathetic (like dressing up as your favorite superhero) and I find scheduling your whole autumn/winter/spring months around when a football team plays absolutely ridiculous but to some people it seems to be their whole life. Sad as fuck.

Most of all though, I hate it when grown men (yes, you mate:lol) cry over fucking football. It's bad enough when they show kids crying at football matches and if my lad ever did it I'd give him a slap around the back of the head and tell his to sort his fucking priorities out. Obviously, I've got emotional over football matches and been euphoric and absolutely gutted (Zamora, Wembley, 90 something minute plus any amount of German penalties) and there is nothing more infuriating than when someone who isn't interested in football says it's only a game but the fact is, it is only a game and I always think that people who have season tickets and travel to every away game either do it for the social side (which is fine) or they've got fuck all else in their lives (which is sad, but also fine but don't try to pretend that you're following some great worthwhile crusade and what you're doing is important - it isn't).

Football fans are like children. They jump up and down when they're happy, they cry when they don't get what they want and they sing moronic songs which often don't make any fucking sense but make them feel like they're in a gang with their mates.

When I walk into the local pub and see half a dozen sad-fucks playing dress-up in their heroes shirt and talking about how shit the ref has been that day, I shake my head. Most of the cunts have been watching football for decades but haven't played since they were made to at school and know as much about football as my dead nan. Listening to them makes me want to buy the club and tarmac over the fucking lot to see what they would do with their sad lives.

Even worse than the local supporters are blokes who walk into the pub wearing a replica Man United or Liverpool shirt from ten years ago who have never actually been to the ground but, depending on how they're doing at the time, assume some kind of superiority of other fans purely on the basis that they woke up one day and decided to "support" a club who has won something. They are a particular kind of cunt and I hate them above any others.

Anyway, yeah, I quite like Arsenal & BP :lol
There aren't very many people who can like more than one club more than any other. Usually it's the opposite, and it's the fans :)
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I was just thinking back to when i had a really bad end of term school report, in my first year at secondary school.
So bad that my parents banned me from going to watch a pre season friendly between Worcester City and Hereford, as punishment. The fixture doesn't happen very often but it's a derby, the team we'd class as our biggest rivals.

I was devastated by the news but refused to accept it, i hadn't missed a game the previous season.
So I planned a trip. I had no idea where St Georges lane was but i knew where the train station was and i was determined to go. I cant remember the prices but on the night i knew i only had enough change for a single train ticket in to Worcester and the entrance fee to the game.

I waited for my dad to leave, as he was still taking my younger brother. As soon as they left i ran to the train station. I got to Worcester and found the ground with only a couple of minutes to spare. There was a good few thousand there and plenty from Hereford too.

I cant remember the score, but i know Hereford didn't lose. The only thing i really remember was my dad walking past at half time to take my brother to the toilet. I remember having to take a step or two back so that he wouldn't see me. Similar the Homer Simpson, hedge scene.

I had no money and It was dark by the time i got on the Bromwich road to hitch a lift for the 8 mile journey home.
It didn't take long before an old fella stopped to give me a lift. He soon started raring on me though.
How old are you? What's a 12 yr old boy doing thumbing a lift? Don't you know how dangerous it is! He gave me a hard time about it all the way home but went out of his way to drop me right outside my house so he could see i was safe. Fair play to him.

It was well past 11 by the time i got in, at a time when i usually had to be in by 9. My folks were up waiting and wanting an explanation. I told them the truth, my old man looked like he wanted to belt me but i think they were just glad i was home safe. I don't think they gave me any further punishment for it. Maybe had to be in by 7 or something for a week or two but they never stopped me from going to watch Hereford again.

Anyway, i'm off to Hereford on Saturday, watch them play Boston. It's going to be a special day, a celebration, it'll be 50 yrs to the day since we knocked Newcastle Utd out of the cup and Ronnie Radford scored that famous goal on that potato field...

Brilliant story mate. you must have had some bollocks on you. Apart from going out into the countryside I wouldn’t have ventured outside my town when i was that age .

Fair play to you
My dad was a Rangers fan so that's why I started supporting Rangers. He knew someone on the Falkirk board and Hibs board and got tickets from him/them to games. I was sitting very near the directors box at Easter Road (on the posh seats with cushions) the day that Graeme Souness made his debut for Rangers. I can also remember a few times there was big fights in Edinburgh station between Hibs & Rangers fans and one night after one if the games I met Ally McCoist and got him to sign my copy of the Pink Newspaper.

Did any other places have a pink paper (or similar) which was printed anout 5pm after all the foitball results were in ?
Did any other places have a pink paper (or similar) which was printed anout 5pm after all the foitball results were in ?

Sports Argus. We already knew the scores, it was all about the attendances, match reports and League Tables.. A must have Saturday evening paper.
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Anybody remember Adam Stansfield?

He played for and was loved by Yeovil, Hereford and Exeter City, enjoying success with all three clubs.
He made most appearances for Exeter City, where he sadly passed away from Bowel Cancer in 2010, age just 31.

That much of a legend at the club, not only did they retire the number 9 shirt but later built a stand in his name too.They still sing his name there every game.

His 19 yr old son Jay has joined them from Fulham last week and this is just a brilliant interview with Jeff Stelling..


I can't say i have a soft spot Exeter City but I cant wait to hear he's scored on Soccer Saturday and i wish him all the success he can achieve.