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Week 18






We had some good scores last week with myself, Stu, RcGills, Kegman + Traeth all getting 4 out of 5, Kegman was the unlucky one with Man Utd conceding in the last minute to screw up 5/5

Overall Scores

Hornets 105.92
Onedunme 89.02
Stu 85.22
Winrew 84.98
Traeth 81.99
Kegman 78.21
Punter 68.63
RcGills 62.1
Slick 53.51
Basher 28.38
KitKat 4.94
We had some good scores last week with myself, Stu, RcGills, Kegman + Traeth all getting 4 out of 5, Kegman was the unlucky one with Man Utd conceding in the last minute to screw up 5/5

Only the Gills let me down, should've known better :duh
Leicester @ 1.61
Rochdale @ 2.60
Bristol Rovers @ 2.37
Southend @ 1.90
Aberdeen @ 2.30

Cheers Yorkie
Orient v Sheffield Utd (1) @ 1.8
Betis v Rayo Vallecano (2) @ 4.0
Bilbao v Barcelona (1) @ 5.0
Jaen v Real Madrid B (1) @ 2.0
Las Palmas v Zaragoza (1) @ 1.9

Cheers Yorkie :thumb
Peterborough 2.6
Bournemouth Brighton X 3.4
Leic v Milwall X 4.0
Liverpool at Hull 1.57
Wigan 2.1

Was just about to type Cardiff Arsenal draw when I remembered I've talked myself into a Wigan win.
Great shout with Blbao Rc!

It gave me hope for my La Liga antepost bets when i see you post that one up. It was the only one i wanted to see you get right, mind! :lol

Have it Barca :)
Cheers RC.
I saw your picks and thought , hang on , Barcelona to get beat , what does the wee Madrid chap know , all have a dabble at that , top man , and a free night down the club :)
Cheers lads. Ridiculous as it sounds for a team that was 13-1-0 until yesterday, Barcelona haven't really impressed me all that much lately, they're not as strong as the past few seasons. Two defeats in a row now after Ajax midweek. Messi and Victor Valdes (the keeper) are both out until after the winter break, Pinto's an OK replacement for Valdes, but not in the same class. Even without them they're still much too good for most of the teams in the league, but Bilbao are more than capable of matching any side at home on a good day.

Only 2 games left before the break now, don't think Villarreal or Getafe will be capable of taking advantage. Even if Messi and Valdes are back by then, though, the game in Madrid against Atletico on the weekend of the 11th-12th January should be a cracker.

Just wish I'd had money on it myself. Had the chance, walked past the bookies on Saturday afternoon, thought about it, decided I've had that many losers lately that I'd not bother :cry Still, I would've probably ended up betting on Jaen and Las Palmas too and they both lost.

Who you on antepost, Punter, Real Madrid or Atletico? Just starting to wonder now whether Atletico Madrid really could do it this year. Simeone's doing a fantastic job there. I'd much rather be on one of the 2 Madrids than on Barcelona at the moment, that's for sure.