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Week 9

Aston Villa v Man City (2) @ 1.50
Lorient v Marseille (2) @ 2.40
Reims v Monaco (2) @ 1.61
Dag & Red v Bury (2) @ 2.70
Alloa v Hamilton (2) @ 2.00

Thanks Yorkie
Sorry for the late posting






Overall Scores

Onedunme 48.79
Winrew 43.93
Kegman 39.03
Hornets 39.01
Traeth 38.83
Punter 36.18
Stu 29.41
Basher 28.38
RcGills 22.97
Slick 19.2
Fleetwood @ 1.80
Nottingham Forest @ 2.10
Burnley @ 1.85
Fulham - Cardiff Draw @ 3.40
Leicester @ 1.50
Spuds v Chelsea X @ 3.30
Man City @ 1.50
Swansea v Arsenal X @ 3.40
Stoke @ 2.00
QPR @ 1.85

Chesterfield @ 1.83
Aberystwyth @ 2.20
Orient @ 1.90
Watford @ 2.5
Bradford @1.90

I hope the odds are correct , checked twice :embarassed
Spurs v Chelsea X 3.3
Forest to beat Derby 2.1
Arsenal to win at Swansea 2.37
Liverpool to win at Sunderland 1.7
Rotherham v Peterboro X 3.6
You know I hate to be a spoilsport but as Winrew appears to be the only one with half a clue about football betting and therefor my only real rival in this competition, I feel compelled to point out that he posted his forest selection after kick off an it must obviously be void.

in my defence , I've posted in time to give hom time to replace it with a bigger priced winner
Bugger , totally agree , posted at 12.36 , and it kicked off at 12.15.
Dont mind about another selection my mistake , should have paid attention :embarassed
Weekly Scores

Kegman 2.4
Stu 5.2
Hornets 5.45
Punter 5.47
Slick 5.15
Traeth 4.4
Onedunme 9.47
Winrew 6.85
Basher X
RcGills X
overall scores

Onedunme 49.41
Winrew 48.95
Hornets 41.03
Punter 39.82
Traeth 36.33
Kegman 34.3
Stu 31.71
Slick 22.55
RcGills 21.01
Basher 19.33
Amended table

Onedunme 58.26
Winrew 50.78
Hornets 44.46
Traeth 43.23
Punter 41.65
Kegman 41.43
Stu 34.61
Basher 28.38
Slick 24.35
RcGills 22.97