11.45 Turffontein - TWICE AS SPECIAL - Do also like MOZAVAROO, so covering bet on that one, plus adding for the forecast. Do feel that TAS will improve at 33's.
12.55 Turffontein - WHIPPING BOY - Hinted at ability in both starts to date and not sure its the strongest maiden ever. Good draw to work with at 25's.
3.15 Turffontein - ODD ROB - Holds fair recent form and remains nicely weighted at 12's.
3.50 Turffontein - FRANKLY - Fair recent form & drops in Merit Rating. Comes here off a handy 10 week rest and has her first start for her new stable, so looks interesting over this c & d, where she is 1 from 1. Draw a possible negative, but still enough going for her at 25's.