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You should ask yourself, do I need to watch this? If the answer is, yes, or you've already proceeded to blindly click play without first heeding this warning - well you've only got yourself to blame then haven't you.

You've got 1:50 to clear all valuable glass items from the vicinity of your speakers. Do it I tell ya! :eek:
If there's one thing I need to make sure I've learnt from the past 5-6 years, it's that there's a very fine line between slow songs that work, and slow songs that dont. Even the smushy ballads need to kick up a gear within about the first minute in order to keep the audience interested in the remaining two, a la Iceland a couple of years ago. The one paced efforts like Austria last year or Bosnia 09(although really there's countless examples) can bomb terribly.

This one falls squarely into the latter category - and it's only hope of winning is if millions of viewers simultaneously pass out during her performance and faceplant their phone with each facial feature pressing the Albanian number in sequence, followed by their nose despressing redial for the rest of the night.
So you're saying there is a chance?

Seriously though. Awfully boring, and I cant see it qualifying.
The song is undergoing major work in the USA right now, so expect something a little easier on the ears and even more jury friendly.
can't see any amount of reworking improving this. but i'll wait and see before coming to a conclusion. atm - non-qualifier

this version is fantastic. really wish they sent this one im actually getting tempted to do a few speculative bets on albania just because i like it . her voice is pure class
Amongst a dismal batch of first rehearsals in Baku Rona Nishliu's voice has withstood the yet again shocking acoustics,and must qualify and some..
im on the albanian girl to do a bit of damage. I think people will be falsey impressed with the big voice. should go better than its worth etc. Albania 12/1 top 10 finish 5pts bet