Week 10 final scores:
Onedunme 5.0 (Derby, Forest, Newcastle, Liverpool draw)
Traeth 4.4 (Cardiff, Luton, Stoke)
Winrew 3.3 (West Ham, Derby)
Punter 2.55 (Cardiff, Arsenal, Newcastle)
Howson 2.5 (Liverpool draw)
Slick 2.5 (Liverpool draw)
Kegman 2.0 (Elgin, Bournemouth)
Newman 1.55 (Luton)
Rcgills 1.45 (Guingamp)
Kristobal 0
Nawoo 0
Week 10 table:
Traeth 32.62
Howson 26.31
Slick 25.71
Kristobal 25.62
Winrew 24.90
ODM 24.72
Punter 21.08
Kegman 20.95
Rcgills 19.67
Newman 18.89
Nawoo 8.7
Highest weekly score: Rcgills 6.85 week 3
Traeth pulls further clear at the top, while ODM top scores for the week, but it could've been so much better for him, City's 2 missed penalties denying him the 5-fold which would have put him in 2nd place.
Check your scores
Oh, and if anyone knows what the fuck Steve's on about, let us know.
Actually, on second thoughts, don't bother.