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erm what! You think i'm already a twat or erm seen's not his proper name?
Yeah i know that Swoop'.. soz...reading back my last post i could of worded it better lol

Who else is missing and needs rounding up then? I'm sure yorkie will be along in a bit..
TDP's back up and running again. For now, at least.
At least with TDP open I've managed to get my avatar back, its a bit pixelly mind, think it might be time to get a new one.
Well, I've managed to find you - and I'm touched that my bad advice has been missed.
Thank fuck for that :) Pie Chucker hasnt posted for ages anyway, has he?
Ola guys, this place was a bit of a rush job so I'm sorry we couldn't contact you all individually, everybody was left to find their own way here:eek:ops:

Swoops was asking about you last night TC, i have a feeing you may be sorry yo ever found the place lol.

I saw a Level Two Welsh League Cup match a while back so I've got more hands on knowledge of the Welsh league now than any other except L2.
Didnt know the Welsh had got as far as level 2 :eek:

I know I'm in the right place now , when I read that earlier post when you were "nice" to me I thought I'd landed at P.L.

glad you are in the know about the welsh league cup thunder as I've got no idea , nor have the Welsh League either , no news if its being held this year as the new sponsors of the league were only announced today

p.s. I do follow thunder's posts
Hello Jay. Are you new to us or do we know you by another name?

Hey fella - Same name, PL to TDP & progressive non poster since! Still keep my eye in with the odd flutter & enjoyed the forum craic in the past so thought I'd join up & see what's what. Cheers
Hey fella - Same name, PL to TDP & progressive non poster since! Still keep my eye in with the odd flutter & enjoyed the forum craic in the past so thought I'd join up & see what's what. Cheers

Fair enough mate. Nice to have you around (would be even better if you decided to post a bit:))
Got the message guys. This is a bit of a slick operation isn't it. In it's infancy, but flashy nonetheless.

As for Mickey's banner... I approve.

So is this the new punt, or a temporary fix?
We'll have to play it by ear Gav. What we can't do is wake up on a Saturday morning not knowing if we're going to be able to post or not.