#53 | Romania 1-1 Uruguay | +219.00EUR
#54 | Poland 0-0 Portugal | -300.00EUR
February Statistics:
Won/Lost: 18/14
Winning accuracy: 56%
ROI: 3,31%
Profit: +367.50EUR
Through 2 months I've been testing many sources, as you can see, especially in February I posted many picks, usually I don't do this, but as I wrote before, it was an easy test with flat stake. I showed you 2 profitable months, that was my main target here.
Usually I manage my bankroll using staking just like in Betadvisor, from 1 to 5 units per tip (which means 1% - 5% of my bankroll) and this brings me better profities. I can decide where put higher stake and where not.
Thanks trial period I chose the best special areas in which I am gonna focus. Below statistics (January - February):
#1 France:
Won/Lost: 10/3
Profit: +1419.00EUR
ROI: 33,79%
Win rate: 77%
Average odd: 1.84
#2 Greece:
Won/Lost: 3/1
Profit: +441.00EUR
ROI: 36,75%
Win rate: 75%
Average odd: 1.78
#3 Italy:
Won/Lost: 4/3
Profit: +39.00EUR
ROI: 1,86%
Win rate: 57%
Average odd: 1.86
#4 Iceland:
Won/Lost: 2/2
Profit: +99.00EUR
ROI: 8,25%
Win rate: 50%
Average odd: 1.89
#5 Germany:
Won/Lost: 2/0
Profit: +394.00EUR
ROI: 65,75%
Win rate: 100%
Average odd: 1.89
Additional countries are Poland, Canada and English lower leagues (there I have few friends with good knowledge), sometimes Premier League but with smaller stake. Countries like Portugal, Turkey and Brazil are suspended for me.
Period from March to August are more profitable for tipsters, many leagues are going to start. If you're looking for someone who can lead your funds with cheap price (35.00EUR for 1 month) just register on website:
http://betting-area.com/ or ask few questions on
*This website is perfect for people with bigger bankroll and with clear mind who can follow me without unnecessary emotions. I suggest you to put your funds on bookmakers which offer asian handicaps with small limits. I will learn you how to manage your bank.