And your point is ?
Back in the days when it was a mans game players used to complain all the time about inconsistent referees and how each ref would interpret rules differently. To combat that guidelines have been introduced to help refs and one is that if a players goes in for a tackle with both feet off the ground he runs the risk of being red carded. This has been the case for about the last ten years now.
Nani clearly has both feet off the ground.
Me, or Seen?
Arbeloa has also jumped. Had he stayed on the ground how high would Nanis' foot have been?
players used to complain all the time about inconsistent referees and how each ref would interpret rules differently.
To combat that guidelines have been introduced to help refs........he runs the risk of being red carded.
So if a player runs the risk of being red-carded, it's still down to the ref's interpretation then. So it hasn't helped in the slightest.
RC makes a good point. If that was an overhead kick, we all know that he wouldn't have sent him off (assuming he's not a bent ref Swoops - all United fans - bah!). Yet the intent to foul in Nani's case and the intent to foul in an overhead kick is exactly the same. There isn't any. Therefore both cases should be dealt with the same and a yellow given at worst.
Did Ryan Shawcross "intend" to break Aaron Ramseys' leg? Or the Blues player who also broke an Arsenal players leg? (Can't remember their names). Should they also not have been given red cards because there was no intent. The only question should be was the tackle dangerous or not.
Did Ryan Shawcross "intend" to break Aaron Ramseys' leg? Or the Blues player who also broke an Arsenal players leg? (Can't remember their names). Should they also not have been given red cards because there was no intent. The only question should be was the tackle dangerous or not.
Another point regarding it being the rulemakers fault is that if they deemed the decision to be poor, they wouldnt be trying to do further both Nani & the club, which they are. Blatters laughing his bollocks off at this
Deffo Red card, Nani could have killed him.