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Crypto currencies

You'll save fortunes on fees using litecoin or eth as well. BTC fees can be extreme at the moment, and if you set a custom low fee you can literally wait days. Just shows you why bitcoin cash forked and why btc probably won't end up as a day to pay payments currency. More a store of value imo.
I'm beginning to realise that now Jezza, Not got any Litecoin yet, should have bought some when the price dipped today.

Just bought 200 Tron to hold while it's been at its lowest for a while.
I really dont know enough about it to comment. All I know is they were caught lifting sections from other peoples whitepapers, but I dont know anything about the coin.
I know lol, I was replying to your OMG post:lol
Lot's of FUD about Tron at the moment, that's why I took a chance on it because there's supposed to be a couple of big announcements this month.
Have you looked at Wagerr Jezza?
Kicks in on the 15th
I know lol, I was replying to your OMG post:lol

Haha oops :embarassed. I am trying to stay focused on a narrow range of coins. Never actually works out like that in practice!

Lot's of FUD about Tron at the moment, that's why I took a chance on it because there's supposed to be a couple of big announcements this month.

I really don't know anything about it :embarassed. Missed the boat on the massive gains on that one. I hear the same about OMG (next month should be good). From someone who has been correct before but could of course be a load of bllocks.
Have you looked at Wagerr Jezza?
Kicks in on the 15th

Yeah I looked at it Slick, didn't invest. Sold my Waves as well actually. Not that it couldn't do well, of course it could. Just went into other things instead.
I was only interested in wagerr for the sports betting side of things, imagine having a platform the whole world could bet on including countries that are heavily regulated at the moment, I think it has good potential if they get it right.
Not bought any yet as I keep missing the dips but will get on before the launch.
Ethereum now nearly £1k:eek

Struck lucky with those Snovio coins too, bought 500 for £20 quid and they're now worth £136 (not each lol) and rising, up 736% in a week.
If you have held eth on a wallet where you control the private keys then do a token check. You might have some OMG or XNN depending how long you've had it. OMG is looking good going forward imo.

It's weird how NEO is always hovering around 1/10th the price of ETH. Constantly gets referred to as the Chinese Ethereum. They have met with the government there as well.
Similar to Tron I suppose but haven't china banned crypto trading within the country, I should imagine if and when this is lifted most of these Chinese coins with government backing will boom.
haven't china banned crypto trading within the country, I should imagine if and when this is lifted most of these Chinese coins with government backing will boom.

China "ban" bitcoin usually about once a year (I did some research on this). What tends to happen, in this completely unregulated market is.

1) China makes some noise/a statement cracking down on bitcoin/cryptos in some way. Maybe it is murmurings of a ban, maybe its ordering exchanges to shut, maybe its telling people they can be arrested for using money not issued by them. Something like that. Whatever is said can be intepreted in a number of ways

2) Crypto market immediately crashes by 30-50%

3) Over a period of a few weeks/months it becomes clear the ban is not quite what was immediately thought. Cryptos continue to operate in china just fine, maybe they meet with some development teams or allow exchanges to keep operating. Either way it is not completely banned.

4) Market recovers quickly and surges upwards.

Now I might be a cynic but China have always been good at manipulating currency markets for their own end. Fair play to them imo. Imagine you had prior notice of these statements coming out? You could make yourself very rich (legally). They might even let some of their best mates in on it also.
And whilst cryptos continue to be completely unregulated I imagine there are a lot of people making themselves rich in a similar way. I mean imagine this made up scenario.

1) Someone in a position of power at facebook (say head of payments) decides to become mega rich

2) They buy a shitload of litecoin

3) They don't commit to anything but in an interview somewhere make a passing comment along the lines of "we have looked at integrating crypto currencys such as litecoin on facebook for payments". They dont need to commit to anything just make a passing comment its been thought about before.

4) Litecoin goes mental over the next 48hr

5) £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££.

This is legal in this unregulated market and it can be done in so many ways by anybody who has a public voice. IMO it goes on all the time.
Aye it's hard to get a grip of the Chinese markets because there's so many storys.
Going back to Tron, which is a prime example, not so long ago it was going to be the beez kneez backed by the Chinese government, with a strong team, everybody lumps on with some throwing everything into the ring and now with plenty of FUD it's a huge fraud with everybody cashing out causing it to crash.
Even so nobody is certain about the coin and which way it's heading, Justin Sun has promised some great announcements this month but nobody is prepared to wait and take a chance.

Now it's down to £0.8p, I think at that price it's worth a small gamble as it's not a going concern yet and if those announcements prove to be true then it will surely rocket considering all the hype this coin has had, not to mention it's been in coinmarketcap's top 10 coins for a while now .

More news from 1hr ago..

I tempted to buy more of these coins but I've not read anything to persuade me either way.