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Crypto currencies

The market will eventually recover imo and if you try and time when this sort of stuff is going to happen you will just be falling victim to ppl with inside information.
Wagerr back up to 60p, thank fcuk for that otherwise I'd be getting earache off ODM for the foreseeable future lol.

managed to bag another 20 for 25p each with the bit of bitcoin I had left in Tidex.
Right I'm loaded up and ready to trade. I have a bid in for 700 SNOVS and I'm thinking of buying another £100 of wagerr and £200 etherium.

Once I get my card unblocked I'm thinking of getting some more Ethereum myself if it gets towards £750 or under again.

NEO has shown it has balls of steel, hardly budging during the shit storm we've seen today so have to get some neo or neo gas which seems to run parallel to it but at half the price, it'll be good to have at hand should a day like today ever happen again, for snapping up some bargains.

What price are you asking for Snovio and Wagerr?
Don't even ask Slick. My fucking head is buzzing with the shit. I'm just gonna log off an leave the fucking things to do whatever they're going to do. Fuck that trading in and out lark. I 'm sick to fucking death of looking at graphs and conversions to other coins and currencies and articles on what is and isn't going to happen. Prices in bitcoin and dollars - both of which are fluctuating as well as the actual thing I'm going to buy. I'm in for the long(ish) haul and see what happens.

I haven't got ethereum yet. If I can settle my head I might have another look later and that's my trading done until they either fade to fuck all or at least double in price
lol. Got 500 SNOVS in the end instead of 700. That's me done for the time being. Since I signed up in December I've found myself checking the bitcoin price ever fucking half hour or so - it's crazy. It will do what it will do and I'll check em all from time to time and obviously pop into this thread but I'm not in and out trading. Good luck to you chaps tho
Nah, I've only got four things. Like I said, I don't need to know what they're all worth every ten minutes.
prices for themain cryptos have just nosedived:eek
just bought £250 Etherium as it's dropped to £650
maybe I jumped in to soon, the fcukers still dropping.