Good luck with this venture, guys. I appreciate the inclusion in to the discussion Slick, but I'm afraid this is not for me and I'm out.
I don't like getting involved in things which I'm not in control of, and this, like most trading, is heavily reliant on jumping the right way at the right time - going with either your gut feeling and/or the advice from 'experts' and getting the lucky breaks. It's clearly volatile as hell as we've seen in the short space of time of this thread, and it's going to be something that would need constant monitoring really. Not to mention the ball ache of actually getting money in and up and running.
I'm already spending up to 15 hours a day betting in-running and it's going well so certainly wouldn't have the time anyway.
Oh, and these 'experts' giving out advice as to which coins to invest in - surely if you had a strong opinion the last thing you would want to do is tell the world about it, you'd just get on yourself and make a fortune?