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Forum upgrade

whey heh im back again. no need to mess about with favourites and things as tehre you are. Just part of any online bettors brwsing way.
I've got my ruler out & I think the left hand side is roughly 13.53mm off centre in favour of the left hand side, so if you could pass the dutchie over to the right it'd be greatly appreciated :thumb
Oh yeah, the three buttons across the bottom? The middle one is a bit more magenta than grey across the peripheral

Just trying to help
heh heh swoops im talking to you from another dimension. mork calling orson mork calling orson. I cant see past this bit of the post swoops. you guys have to make it smaller. 800 widths are all the rage.
is that what happened to him swoops? Folks never believe me when i tell thm (i cant see what im doing as ive left blocks on the olb betnod page fuck im all stretched out....) that ...bah ive told you all this before. happy days was a mork and mindy spin off
You've just reminded me Komp I need to sort the mobile skin out, I better get cracking on that as thats why the forum was upgraded in the first place.
It caused a couple of errors which i need to iron out, once it's sorted I'll give you a shout m8, it looks like a header problem which thinking about it now I might just remove completely.
cool slick. you know how i find it hard to get about the net. Now ive got this betnod page in its almost as if im just on betnod. I can find it easier to pop in etc as its all within where i am. fuck websites are gonna kill me slick. still they might make my journey to the grave that bit easier and thank fuck i dont waste my time with facebook or twitter,
lol this made me laugh one saturday night on here. I was viewing betnod from this vantage point and it was like a wee town and i was just looking down on it seeing folks do their day to day business.
oooo yorkieacer has just turned up. He's MENTAL!!!! gonna be trouble when Wayne see him Lets see what happens here...
Ehhm I hope it wasn't a MXE night as it has a familiar ring to it.

I see your page is working now Komp, It wasn't there when i tried earlier on today.
The mobie skin has been added but it's actually wider than the current theme lol.
ach well slick this will just have to do. I just miss out on your right sidebar really. Its good to have gotten to the stage with my website developement that i can start to get about the net again. No coincidence in that i was posting here when i was banned from working on OLB for them 3 weeks. since i got back online ive just been working like a cunt again on it. OLB must be the only website that actually loses its members when they sign up lol

Ive got my betnod page now so that means that it is within my internet posting range (also a betnod banner in /betting) so i should be a bit more active and sociable. hope you and yours are good slick and ill catch up with you soon no doubt. laters.
slick i dont think betnod is coming up on any bing searches at all.
Ehhm, thanks for mentioning that Komp as I hadn't noticed, strange as we are doing well on Google.
I'll go and have a look into that now.
well we're not blocked as we're first for Eurovision betting forum but don't seem to be anywhere on the sports betting front, I'll delve a bit deeper.
suppose it would help if i submitted betnod to bing.
mmm odd as when i was at my mums yesterday looking for your ecig thread slick you wasnt even there for 'betnod' lol
I 've opened an acount and submitted betnod and horsenap plus added the sitemaps, hopefully that will do the trick, I was mainly focusing on google and didn't give Bing a second thought, I presumed it would just automatically pick us up, thanks for the heads up Komp.
i just binned my sitemap slick. I was reading that it is actually depremental to a website. I didnt read up much more on it. I just took it as gospel. I think you need to add a noindex no follow to the robots text file. It was all drupal related that i read but they might touch on it here-
funny you should say that as I've just spent the last two hrs trying to install one for bing (resulting in numberous problems) and have just decided to bin the cnut.
I'll be keeping an eye on bing now the website has been submitted just to see what changes occur, were doing allright on google which is really my benchmark, content seems to be the daddy of all things seo wise nowadays apart from bing it seems.