I'll try and throw in a Malvern CL comp' within the league next season (same gameweeks and system as the paid league).
I'd like a Player of the Month table which currently TalkSport don't do for all their mini-leagues, although they have one for the Selco league:
Could I ask as many of you guys as possible to email TalkSport and ask for a Player of the Month table to be run out to all mini-leagues from next season.
Their contact address is on the Players home page - top right .
With a few more emails than just mine, TalkSport might take some notice.
And if anybody does contact TalkSport please mention that their mini-league Championship is a crap system where those leagues with the most players always win, and don't give a chance to us smaller leagues. [TalkSport select the four best scores from the entire mini-league while other FF sites (Telegraph for instance) just use the scores of the four players at top of table in that week]
Cheers lads