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New Skin

I'd have said 'very light mauve with a translucent shade of grey' personally......not beige :unsure
i didn't want beige, i asked for that as every other colour i asked for he came up with something else, i was trying to work out how his eyes worked, i thought if i asked for beige i may get grey.
IT WAS BEIGE WHEN I STARTED!!!! ARE YOU CALLING GOOGLE A CUNT NOW???!!! I simply moved the thing over towards the greyness as it was really dark. You know what? I'll slide the fucking thing all the way over into nothingness. HAPPY???!!! Good. Nooooooooo. I'm gonna put flowers on it. And tits.
Mickey, what colours this?

Who, Winrew? AHahahaha *snort*

I think I've subconsciously made old TDP. :lookaround
Without wanting to start a small conflict on the lines of Hitler invading Poland & saying he was sending all the jews on holiday to somewhere warmer....I dont like that big pink 'D' :unsure

"Ahh, Neville, It is ok, I have that signed piece of paper you asked for!"......."Dumbkopf!"
Your not gonna start fannying about with everything now are you ?
"]MickeyPaul, post: 1815"I think I've subconsciously made old TDP. :lookaround

thats okay, there wont be another like it as its probably fucking down :D
Define "fannying about" Winrew :lol No. It'll just be shit that won't affect anyone. A background colour here and there. There isn't really anything else to "fanny about" with other than cosmetics. Chill out grandpa.
works for me too, i've manually added the quotes but best to keeo an eye on it.
The other skin wasn't made for this version of the forum software wins, we just made it fit and it seemed to work but it was chucking up loads of errors on the server logs, best to sort it out now rather than the trouble escalating down the line.