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Tooji won the selection with Stay. Same team that produced Eric Saade's hit Popular for Sweden last year. I can see big things for this song!
Pasting in my comments from escbet - sorry if it gets confusing as some are in reply to other folk. And it's coming out pretty messy too.

Mmmm… love those squidgy bleepy fat ass bass sounds… bah. Then he appeared and started singing. Bah bah nooooooo. This is definitely the kind of stuff I hate most at Eurovision but I know it proves popular with the retarded masses. Yip. I’m going to spend all my time slating this and being proved wrong. I don’t care though. I hate it.

I think it’ll do well Gavster. I think it’s the kind of thing that appeals to the masses as I said and the kind of thing that I’m pretty sure will be pleasing to the finals night crowd in particular. Also, he’s a muslim I believe? I suppose that’s helpful in some respects.

I do really love the squidgy moogy bass bits. Right up my street. Thinking it’ll do well isn’t going to stop me slating it and his crappy voice and “moves”.

I agree it’s far better than Saade last year and the slight eastern undertones as you say, are probably a positive. I’d expect it to be a contender. I could probably listen to those fat electronic sounds all night on repeat actually.
I’m starting to think the eastern touches in this could be a stroke of genius. They’ve managed a really good mix. Quite subtle. I can’t fault the overall sound they’ve produced at all.

Extremely uninspiring vocal performer in my opinion BUT… nowhere near the ghastly horror of Saade’s nasal whine.

I was planning to slate Tooji a lot but the bastards have thrown in some great wee bits that tickle the ears of the Mickey.
“Schvweeeeeeeum EET da diddle it schvweeeeum EET dit iddle it”
It's the best entry so far this year,though it's a pity it's so like Eric Saade's in 2011,which itself was an inferior version of Maniac on the Floor..
Cant say im a big fan of this its ok. wasn't a fan at all of sweden last year and that came 3rd and this song is ten times better. I do like the eastern style bits to it, a sure vote getter in those countries. A late draw in the final and has a big chance of winning.
Some more discussion here if you're interested Dec http://www.escbet.com/2012/02/11/norway-tooji-stay/
I said earlier:
I think it’ll do better with the juries than Sweden did last year by a few places (they were 9th in the jury vote). Maybe not quite as good in the televote (insanely, 2nd in the televote last year was Saade) but half decent. The song is less memorable definitely but, to me at least, more pleasant. Less trashy. More “cool”. Also more bland. lol

Assuming qualfication that equates to a relatively comfy top 10 spot (he said with no conviction).

The song itself is where it falls down for me. I think the “too engineered” is it’s saving grace as that’s all that really stands out in my view. Average song with a well produced, modern, sound, equals a tough one to call.

Threatening the top 5 I’ll stick by for now. How is it being received around the old world wide web?
First the pluses:he can sing,it's well-choreographed and they seem to have used their three minutes well. But I don't like the hoodie;it will put off older voters,and the Muslim vote is over-egged somewhat as out of the 43 participating countries I have only counted 3 with this as their dominant religion.
He took the hoody off in the final Steve. Personally, I reckon it adds to the mystery of the song. It does have a stalking presence.
It's those damn immigrants though Steve and their muslim ways. It's maybe not a massive plus keeping them happy but it's always in the back of my mind. Basically, appealing to the widest possible audience.
Oops, commented in the other thread.

'Hmmm, good effort I think. Instant impact, the beat a bit more modern than the usual Eurovision fare, but with a Europop chorus to tick that box too.

Best entry I've seen so far - I think the judges might go for this. The song type lends itself to a very strong stage show too...'

I'd agree that judges will mark this far better than 'Popular' - this atleast has a little relevance to current chart songs(while being a Eurovision Lite version) and the 'could the song be commercially successful?' seems to be one of the judging considerations.
Hard to say how much stage show affect the voters. Saade a pretty solid stage performance last year, better than this. Tooji's song is better, but worse show. So I dont know. I dotn know if this has the "wow" element pop songs need in order to win. Last year my early bets pretty much all sucked, but I'm kind of tempted to try this one.. :p Although 10 is a bit low now @ Boyle with each-way. Straight up win is 19 @ betfair, but with very small amounts. Damn, Eurovision betting is so much fun, but also causes agony for me every year :p
this is slick but not as interesting as the swedish entry. it's more populist though and should have the teenies reaching for the phones the same as eric saade. stage presentation is often crucial to eurovision and these showy numbers always do very well in modern eurovision if well executed. @21.0 it looks tempting... but not for a win bet.
I'm leaving this one longer. This song needs a fantastic draw with Sweden threatening it's vote share. We also need a 'genuine' live version to assess the sound quality without playback.
This is a masterpiece of choreography combined with dancers who can sing which will propel this song into a final top 5..
A bit of a stretch to call it a masterpiece. But It's decent, although not as good as Saade, and with a bunch of strong entries this year I dont believe top5. Around 6-10 would be my estimation.
Sweden,Italy,Iceland,if the public vote for the usual Serbian contribution they only have themselves to blame,then Norway..