Sitting up with a shitty cold and fuck all else to do so I thought I'd check up on this thing. I have no best prices to check on historically but I'm surprised to find that I would have made a profit on four of the six sets of fixtures since the last one I posted. That's based on just the odds posted on here (and another site for one set of midweek fixtures) which means that, in reality, I would have made a profit for 5 of the 6. Even more encouraging is that that 5 have been the most recent 5, hitting 6 out of the 10 results. Granted some of those would be long odds on but it seems to be particularly good at spotting draws.
A tenner staked per game since 29th Nov would have see me £144 in profit (without best odds)
I haven't got anything earth-shatteringly novel for boxing day. There are a lot of odds ons and I'd be disappointed to get less than 6 of the results right on this particular week but if I had to pick and choose, I'd leave the Burnley Liverpool and West Brom Man City games alone and go for the rest (even Man United at a shitty 2/5)
Anyway, the full list are
Chelsea tb Wh 4/11
Liverpool at burnley 17/20
Soton at Palace 6/5
Everton tb Stoke 17/20
Spurs tb Le 11/10
MU tb Ne
M city tb WBA
Ars tb qpr
and the draws (which I'm actually thinking of starting to bet on)
Sunderland Hull 5/2
Swansea Villa 11/4