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Viewing Betnod on mobile phones.

Its a bit tricky browsing the net on a mobile and trying to type isn't it.
My BB mdem has fcuking packed in my isp have told me it will take a couple of days to arrive.

In the meantime I've just set my phone up as a router as I can't bleeding type using a touch screen as my fingers are like sausages, does anybody know if by doing this it will cost me extra? I'm on unlimited BB with my phone provider but i suspect they probably have a fair usage policy, I've just tried to have a look on t-mobiles site but pages are taking ages to load.
suppose it will help for the time being If I switch to the Betnod mobile skin to minimise my bandwidth.
I don't know how you lot manage on this 3G lark, it's as if a ball and chain has been put on my browser.
This is brilliant. Been using it for last 3 weeks or so - without it i wouldn't have posted as i'm never on the web outwith my phone now and previously it was a struggle
Nice one keggers, do you not use a pc anymore then?

I'm just gonna shove this in here so I can try and get the daughters and wifes phones to act as routers too as they don't have the facility my HTC has, I'll have a bash at this tonight.


Connect the cell phone to the computer. In most cases, your cell phone connects to the host computer via a USB cable. It is also possible to establish a data connection via a Bluetooth personal area network, but Bluetooth data transfer speeds are slower, which can slow down your entire network.

Launch the Internet sharing application. Open the Internet sharing application on your cell phone. On Windows Mobile phones, the program is located under the Start menu, and on other phones it is listed alongside applications.

Begin the connection. In the Internet sharing application, press the Connect soft button on your phone to use it as an Internet connection. Once your cell phone screen indicates it is connected to the computer, launch a web browser or messaging application and verify the network connection.

Set up the host computer for Internet sharing. Open the Control Panel, and click on "Network Connections." Next, select your Wireless Network Connection and right click on it. Choose "Properties," the last option in the pop-up window. In the next dialog box, select the Wireless Networks tab and select "Add" under the Preferred networks section. Provide a name (SSID) for the network, and select a type of data encryption to keep your network secure. At the bottom of the window, select "This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network; wireless access points are not used." This will designate the computer as the host for the ad hoc network. Press OK to save all changes, and close the Control Panel.

Set up client computers. Client computers are computers that connect to the host to use its Internet connection. On each host computer, open the Control Panel and select "View Available Wireless Networks." Select the network name that you created in step 4. You will be asked to input the network password. This procedure can be followed for each computer you want to connect to the ad hoc wireless network.

Verify connectivity. On each client computer, open a web browser and make sure the connection is active.
Very rarely do i use a laptop. Kids are always on them.

Replying to posts and threads do take a tad longer due to me typing wrong letters but on the whole everything done through phone
New modem turned up today and the fcuker still didn't work, after lots of faffing about turns out it was the cable feed going from the wall into the modem, I never told them that mind and I've ended up with a new super hub, once I got that going I then had to do a lot more faffing about opening ports on it so my satellite reciever could unscramble channels, 'touch wood' everything seems fine now and I'm back to normal again.
Apart from that is my big dish now needs aligning again as the window cleaner has fcuked it up again, I'm sure he either puts his ladders on it or hangs his bucket off it, I sacked the cnut tonight as it's becoming regular and it takes me hours to get it back aligned again, I know it's him as it happens every 2nd Wendesday, I come home from work, have my tea, power nap then switch over for the footy and.......... fcuk all.
I'll say "has the window cleaner been " , wife will say "I think so" and I'll reply "I thought so" CNUT!!.
I'm fcuked without a power nap Wins, I'd be ok if I didn't stay up so late but with only 4 or 5 hrs kip a night i need one.
It comes after my tea, I'll woof it down then go upstairs for my power nap, usually listening to the sport on GMR but it's lights out for me as soon as my head hits the pillow.
After an hr or so the dog will shove her face in mine as if to say "powernap over" then we have a we fight on the bed for 10 or 15 mins, after that I'm rejuvinated and raring to go.
Me the wife and daughter have just come to the end of our contracts with Tmobile but they are offering nothing in the form of retention so I'm fcuking off.

Anybody know of any decent deals knocking about? I've spent the last couple of day's looking and the only decent offers seem to be with 'claim backs' which I'm reluctant to take.
I just got a samsung Galaxy Note from Phones 4 u on Orange, 29.50pm (its 36 direct from orange)

24 month contract, plus free olympic football tickets too
Nokia Lumia 800 on virgin. dogs bollocks although theyve had problems bring in their new micro sims. Got the £41 tariff for £33
I saw the Galaxy note today Pete and tell the truth I don't think it would fit in my pocket:lol, I've never seen a phone so big.

I'm not really a Nokia fan Swoops and I'm tryin to steer clear of any expensive tariffs as I'm not really a big moby user, I'm quite happy with my HTC tell the truth so I might just go on a sim only contract to save a few bob, theres some good deals on at the moment for sim only via Quidco or Topcashback which brings the monthly price's down to less than a fiver, and thats for 600mins, 5000 texts, free internet and free BT wireless hotspots, I think I could cope with that.

The wife and daugher need new phones though as they are not happy with their current ones but anything andriody should be enough for them.
I cant recommend the Lumia 800 highly enough, the battery life being the only possible downside. Also, with spotify enabled you dont need the large memory of the iphone for your music. Cant get the sky sports app on it yet though, although you can get sky sports news :thinking
I'm going to have a ganders now, I was in Tescos before and looking at various phones I'm pretty sure I saw the Lumia in there, is it the one with sharp square edges?
I saw a Sony one in there too that doubled up as a games console that looked pretty snazzy.
One of mine has a Samsung Y , decent phone , bought it PAYG for around a £80.
the Lumia 800 is the right angled edged one, the 710 is the the more rounded one> Slightly larger screen than an iphone as well, though that isnt to everyones taste. The new samsung galxy 3 is supposed to be good as well, but I was sticking with virgin & they wanted £99 even with the top tariff
The giant HD screen is what I like. Great for watching stuff on
Well thats the wife sorted, managed to get a 'Samung ace' with talkmobile via carphonewarehouse, not bad really as she wasn't arsed about a phone but seeing she needs to charge her current one at least once a day, I thought it best she gets a new one.
For £7.50 a month you get a new phone, 250 any network mins, 5000 txts and 500mb data, did it via topcashback too so hopefully that will give me back around £50
Her current contract was costing me about £25 a month so thats a bit of a saving, ching ching.

I'll need that mind as the Daughter is after having something a lot better than she has allready got and with a new boyfriend in tow no doubt she's gonna neeed all the minutes she can muster, to be fair though she has been careful on her current contract.

I've noticed topcashback do a referral scheme in that I can get a tenner for anybody signing up, it's just a general site offering cashback from all over the net not just on moby deals so if anybody is thinking of joining plse use my link below:wink
