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Week 27, 14th Feb to 17th Feb 2020

Week 27 latest scores:

Newman 7 (draws at Nantes, Oldham and Valencia) with draw at Lazio to come
Slick 4.85 (draws at Wolves and Birmingham) with draws at Chelsea and Villa to come
Rcgills 4.75 (Gills, Plymouth, draw at Wolves)
Traeth 3.4 (Wolves draw, Wycombe) with Chelsea draw to come
Kegman 2.52 (Blackburn, Salford) with Hibs and Inter to come
Winrew 2.5 (draw at Oldham)
Howson 1.9 (Port Vale) with Chelsea draw to come
Nawoo 1.4 (Granada)
ODM 0 with Man Utd and draw at Arsenal to come
Kristobal 0 with Man Utd to come
Topdog - No picks sumbitted
Week 27 latest scores:

Newman 7 (draws at Nantes, Oldham and Valencia)
Slick 4.85 (draws at Wolves and Birmingham) with draw at Chelsea to come
Rcgills 4.75 (Gills, Plymouth, draw at Wolves)
Kegman 4.72 (Blackburn, Salford, Hibs)
Traeth 3.4 (Wolves draw, Wycombe) with Chelsea draw to come
Winrew 2.5 (draw at Oldham)
Howson 1.9 (Port Vale) with Chelsea draw to come
Nawoo 1.4 (Granada)
ODM 0 with Man Utd to come
Kristobal 0 with Man Utd to come
Topdog - No picks sumbitted

Week 27 table:

1. Slick 105.82*
2. Howson 102.89*
3. Kristobal 91.46*
4. Rcgills 91.06
5. Newman 89.12
6. Nawoo 77.78
7. Winrew 77.72
8. Kegman 74.22
9. Traeth 71.50*
10. ODM 68.74*
11. Topdog 65.44

Highest weekly score: Kristobal 11.33 (week 9)

Tomorrow's Prem game still to come, so a few scores may need to be updated tomorrow, but well done to Slick, who's back on top of the table again. Well done to Newman for his 3 draws giving him the week's highest score.
Week 27 scores:

Newman 7 (draws at Nantes, Oldham and Valencia)
Slick 4.85 (draws at Wolves and Birmingham)
Rcgills 4.75 (Gills, Plymouth, draw at Wolves)
Kegman 4.72 (Blackburn, Salford, Hibs)
Traeth 3.4 (Wolves draw, Wycombe)
Kristobal 3.2 (Man Utd)
ODM 3.2 (Man Utd)
Winrew 2.5 (draw at Oldham)
Howson 1.9 (Port Vale)
Nawoo 1.4 (Granada)
Topdog - No picks sumbitted

Week 27 table:

1. Slick 105.82
2. Howson 102.89
3. Kristobal 94.66
4. Rcgills 91.06
5. Newman 89.12
6. Nawoo 77.78
7. Winrew 77.72
8. Kegman 74.22
9. ODM 71.94
10. Traeth 71.50
11. Topdog 65.44

Highest weekly score: Kristobal 11.33 (week 9)

Table updated with points for ODM and Kristobal after Man Utd's win
Could have done without Villa fcuking up in the last seconds:mad:
Week 27 latest scores:

Newman 7 (draws at Nantes, Oldham and Valencia)
Well done to Newman for his 3 draws giving him the week's highest score.
Thanks Rc.
I had not got around to checking scores so therefore pleased to read your updates.
Cheers mate.