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Week 28, 19th to 22nd March 2021

Week 28 latest scores:

Nawoo 6.5 (draw at Livingston, Erzgebirge Aue and Mainz) with draw at Alcorcon to come
Howson 2.0 (Luton)
Rcgills 1.5 (overs at Las Palmas) with overs at Malaga to come
Kegman 1.05 (Southampton) with Spurs to come
ODM 0 with Spurs and draw at West Ham to come
Slick 0 with draws at Villa and West Ham to come
Winrew 0 with Leicester and Villa to come
Traeth - No picks submitted
Week 28 latest scores:

Nawoo 6.5 (draw at Livingston, Erzgebirge Aue and Mainz)
ODM 3.77 (draw at West Ham, Spurs)
Kegman 2.5 (Southampton, Spurs)
Slick 2.5 (draw at West Ham)
Winrew 2.0 (Leicester)
Howson 2.0 (Luton)
Rcgills 1.5 (overs at Las Palmas)
Traeth - No picks submitted

Week 28 table:

1. Howson 95.44
2. ODM 85.44
3. Slick 84.58
4. Winrew 75.98
5. Traeth 75.26
6. Rcgills 70.90
7. Nawoo 68.52
8. Kegman 55.15
9. Kristobal 19.75
10. Basher 16.56

Highest overall score: Howson 22.1pts (week 8)

Well done to Nawoo for the week's top score. ODM overtakes Slick into 2nd and closes the gap slightly on Howson, Winrew takes advantage of Traeth's no-show to move up into 4th.

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