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Week 28 Friday 18th to Monday 21st February

Week 28 scores:

Punter 7.55 (Bristol C, Burnley)
Nawoo 4.8 (Bilbao, draw at Reims, Wolves)
ODM 4.5 (Reading)
Newman 4.2 (Man Utd, Wolves, draw at Cardiff)
Winrew 3.25 (Swindon, Derby, Wolves)
Slick 3.0 (draw at West Ham)
Howson 2.3 (Oldham)
Kegman 2.05 (Airdrie, Plymouth)
Rcgills 1.7 (overs at Fuenlabrada)
Traeth 0

Week 28 table:

1 - Slick 101.85
2 - Howson 97.54
3 - ODM 91.24
4 - Winrew 79.85
5 - Nawoo 78.90
6 - Punter 74.67
7 - RC 73.16
8 - Traeth 64.84
9 - Kegman 64.32
10 - Newman 11.1

Highest Weekly Score :- Slick 10.6 (week 1)

Well done to Punter for the week's highest score, and Slick for the first player to make 100pts :clap