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Week 34 Friday 1st to Monday 4th April 2022

Week 34 scores:

Slick 9.45 (draws at Brighton, Leeds and Man Utd)
Newman 8.25 (Fleetwood, Colchester, Exeter, Orient)
Kegman 7.22 (Airdrieonians, Port Vale, Fleetwood, draw at Man Utd)
Traeth 4.89 (Derby, Forest, Wolves)
Punter 3.5 (draw at Man Utd)
Howson 0
Rcgills 0
Winrew 0
Nawoo - No picks

Week 34 table

1 - Slick 120.75
2 - Howson 116.16
3 - ODM 104.99
4 - Winrew 103.42
5 - Punter 92.28
6 - Nawoo 91.1
7 - RC 90.71
8 - Kegman 79.59
9 - Traeth 72.18
10 - Newman 22.60

Highest Weekly Score :- Slick 10.6 (week 1)

Cracking week for half the players this week, absolute garbage for the other half :lol

Well done to Slick, not far short of his highest weekly score, and it takes him back to the top. 4 out of 5 for Newman and Kegman too. Honourable mention for Winrew who, if he'd gone for 5 draws rather than 5 homes, would almost have this competition wrapped up by now.

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