7 PM Xelaju vs Comunicaciones 1 (Xelaju)
4% from your bankroll Total odds 5/6 or 1.83
4% from your bankroll Total odds 5/6 or 1.83
Betting tips by Scott Hoffman
12:45 AM Burnley vs Manchester United 2(Manchester United)
1% from your bankroll Total odds 8/13 or 1.62
Manchester United has a value of 370 million. Home team has a value of 32 million (the poorest team from Premier League). Di Maria has moved recently and is likely to play today. Di Maria, Roney, Mata, Van Persie are a force!
my opinion is notBacking a football club on it's monetary worth is probably the worst analysing I've ever seen.
my opinion is not
Colombia. Friday,12am
Patriotas to beat Deportivo @ 1.5 [Betway]
Brazil. Friday,11.30pm
Nautico to beat Parana @ 2.15 [Ladbrokes]