okay, going on people that have physically replied & said they want in, rather than rumours, we have:
Swoop, ODM, Traeth, Yorkie, RC, Punter, Winrew, Thunder, Pete89, Seen, Topdog....to that I've put Slick in as he replied but didnt actually say he was in, but he could do a Wiki & shut the place down if needs be
Thats 12 unless I've missed someone but I've gone through the thread & I'm pretty sure.
I know there are others we can chase but they havent come on here so I'm inclined to take these 12 & see how many theyve got. If need be we'll do trials, highly unlikely as Thunder & Punt appear to be washing their white tablecloths as we speak
but at the moment, men, you're granted the honour of dying in action for your forum. So...'tenshun !!
If they get more I'll chase people. Anyone got any problems with that?
No, good