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Betnod down.

Everything seems fine now, It's no wonder things were bolloxed though, server time uses CET, while the user profile uses UTC and the admin panel uses GMT.
Without google the world would be fcuked.
I'm hoping to update the forum software sometime this week. so if you see us down for short periods of time you know why.
With it being a week with a near enough full set of midweek fixtures I'll try and do it over Thursday and Friday.
I'm currently trying to back up the database, so if you experience any problems it'll probably be me.
lol, well that seemed to go ok, next to back up the forum software, once that's done we should be covered for any fcuk ups....he says.
Here goes, ready for the upgrade.
If we never see each other again, well it was a pleasure knowing you all.
I've had to disable all the plugins because a few things had fcuked up and I couldn't post, that didn't work I've had to revert all the templates back to there original style, things like fonts etc might look odd but we'll get there.
:baby phew, I thought we'd also lost the smilies then.
There's a few niggles here and there, looks like I'll have to go through all the pluguns one by one and update them to the latest version, I'll do that tomorrow.

If you spot any other error's plse let me know.
I suppose we should have a backup plan in case the site ever does go down. I think most of us joined Letsbet.ie when we had the competition against them. make a note chaps an ill meet u there if Betnod disappears off the earth one day, Ok?

Then at least we can stay informed on what's happening.
I suppose we should have a backup plan in case the site ever does go down. I think most of us joined Letsbet.ie when we had the competition against them. make a note chaps an ill meet u there if Betnod disappears off the earth one day, Ok?

Then at least we can stay informed on what's happening.

Reckon we must be overdue another competition against them, mustn't we?
I'm just reinstalling the plugins one by one, taking for fcuking ever as each one is taking about half n hr.
hehe, it works, been trying to get the bastard autolinker to work for yrs.
I'll have to put down finding Hotpsur a decent avatar on my todo list too.
I've removed the mobile device plugin because it was causing problems, I can reinstall the latest one but apparently this new version of the software has something called responsive design which should automatically adjust the forum to whatever device you're viewing it on, can anybody confirm this with a mobile device?
If not I'll load up the latest mobile plugins and waste another 6 hrs of my life lol.
Works fine for me on my mobile it's adjusted to the size of my screen etc