Onwards and upwards, I've still about half a dozen plugins to install, they're to do with graphics etc which I left while last; so if things start to look a bit funny you'll know why.
Looks like our email server has been hacked, it's been sending out thousands of spam emails and got our IP addy blocked on a few gateways, meaning most of our genuine emails are being blocked and returned to sender.
I think I've sorted it but I'll have to write a few creeping emails now and try to get us unblocked.
There was that many of them It was tying up server resources and making us run slow hence the reason I went to investigate, hopefully the forum should run a bit faster now.
It wasn't that Private mate, I'm just going through the hacked gui logs and your curtains were wide open.
Also that reclining armchair you sit in could do with a good scrub.