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Betnod open for business.

I knew you'd like it and please refrain from using the F word if you don't mind you cunt.
Ah it was you Slick trying to contact me on facebook, i knew the name couldnt remember where from i say feck tdp and the owners there with the new rules keep this place and build it up :D
Welcome Yorkie and yes it was Mr Whelan who was trying to contact you.
BetNod, sounds like a forum thats going to send you to sleep.
i think thats the angle Slicks going for Basher. The grey look, the no front pages, boring sidebars, winrew.....lol Sorry winrew/slick
i'm gonna give Komp a gold star for being our first spammer:)
lol i did actually think it was a good idea till i saw how shit it looked slick. Heh whats with this place? How come you guys are still posting up threads for The Swedes? :eek: Christian deleted a thread of Seen's which i had posted on btw. I added no link either.
keeping the place ticking over as i wouldn't want to see it fail.
what thread were deleted?
It was one of Seen's Slick. All i did was post a couple of my laos posts on it with no link and a clean video of my trip. I think Christian is more paranoid than Paul Ross getting
Easier on the eye and to navigate than the spammers site ,nice colour scheme too :D
fuck off basher its shit :cry its horrible. its simple. its not ready to address the internet. Its software for gayboys. Its like something a 10 year old girl would have."aye komp but all we want is to chat" i hear you say. What happens 2 monts down the line when your stuck with the same faces looking at the same shite waiting for someone to post. you need something more powerfull and i aint even begun to show you what i mean on OB yet.
sorry dont mind me. I might have to do 3 months work in 2 weeks. Fuck Cambodia. Nice colour you say basher nice colour? I can make OB a nice colour too :( ok im just being childish and affected. Im trying to make slick see sense about Betnod and OB and amalgamation. As i said i dont even mind changing the name if it suits. nah bollocks im away back to OB. Its all emcompassing. Ill leave you 'gamblers' to it (lol soz no needle meant there)
err ok touchy,im only commenting on what im seeing,but its a nice start,you never know what the future holds for either forum,good luck to you both :)
Christian deleted a thread of Seen's which i had posted on btw. I added no link either.

:mad: The last fucker who deleted one of my threads ended up picking his teeth up with broken fingers.

Anyone know Christian's address?
lol slick will Seen. ps Basher OB is NOT a forum. Forums are just a small part of it. I nearly binned all the forums last week out of spite actually. Online banter is a website.
It's a great forum i reckon :thumb

Look who's logged in, not a single fake name about. And the fact that you cant see who's viewing what thread is a positive for me too as it will encourage folk to say logged in, maybe.
Alerts are good, i like that too. Nothings over complicated here, it's user friendly throughout.

TBH, i know some of you are still posting at TDP but i got sick of the place in the end, all the fake names logged in really pissed me off in the end and so did the amount of spamming. Fuck, some days there were more spammers than genuine posters.
All that shit down the right hand side squashing up the posts was crap too. The Bet365 links here are noticable but not a bother as they are thin.

If Betnod was to close, i'd fuck off somewhere else, for as much as i used to enjoy TDP in it's early days i wont ever go back there, i'd find somewhere else to post. I think having posts deleted for next to nothing was the final straw.