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its simple...
It certainly is Komp , and thats the way to go , why complicate things?
Don't take Komp to heart boys, he means no harm really. Whereas we are happy with the simple and functional, Komp has this Utopia type dream of the perfect website in his head. He's been chasing if for ten years now and is still no nearer achieving it as far as I can see but anything less than the perfrect grates on his neves. It's just the way he is and that's why we all love him.
why thank you ODM. The best of it was i was only joking. I was just trying to be a carictature of myself. Seems like from basher onwards folks missed my joke. Maybe ive spent too much time alone.
Well you can all carry on with your simple little forum Winrew and when your sick of the sight of each other and staring at your beige walls you can come running to me. All i can say is.....remember what TDP was like just before we sold it? Well that was me that was ;) Soz i can be bitter with a drink in me folks cant i?
Soz i meant that as a question rather than a statement Winrew but i suppose your answer was correct on both accounts lol

I dunno mate. Im trying to delay it as long as i can as i know its just gonna be the same old same old. Its the lure of dope thats driving me home at the mo but if everything works out on the money front i should be off to Cambodia for a week at least tomorrow. I might as well. Ive got nowhere else to fall nor go. If you can get on in Cambodia you can get on anywhere i suppose. Thailand has turned me into a drunken paranoid bum. And there was me thinking it was just the dope back home that was the cause.

This place is nice though Winrew. As you say its uncomplicated. Easy. I just wish i had known that when TDP 'shuts down' you had another plan and i might have changed mine a long time ago.
The place was a rush job Komp, nothing planned, it was just a set of circumstances that led to this happening, mainly TDP being down for long periods and on a regular basis.

I think Komps on his way back as he's not posted on his site in over 24hrs and his last few posts were talk of coming home, either that or he's been hit by a bus.
Stumbled across all this while doing my weekly check on komps site, looks pretty good I think..shame about TDP, still baffles me why anyone would have paid so much money for it, but I don't understand how websites really generate money, if he wants a site where no-one posts and is full of spammers then he could be on to a winner! Shame really, I'm sure he had good intentions..not actually done anything useful on it from what I can see other than shut it down for weeks at a time..but good intentions all the same.

Any chance of having optional avatars instead of a big empty box at the side if you don't have one? I'll have to trail the internet for a witty photo otherwise and I can't really be arsed..
Nice to see you, Hastgill, to see you nice :)

I've never been to Komps site, where is it?
Hi Hasty, good to see u have found us, the place is still being worked on so we haven't left any links anywhere yet, for the moment its just word of mouth and that link on Komps page which he so kindly put up for us.

I'll put the avatars on the todo list.

lol at Swoops asking where Komps site is when Komp never stops mentioning it.
Ongoing mate, sent it off to a few, awaiting rejection, then i'll send it to a few more
Ongoing mate, sent it off to a few, awaiting rejection, then i'll send it to a few more

Forgot to ask in all the excitement of TDP going down etc if you'd like me to look at your sumbission package. I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about, except that I've sent a few off myself.
That sounds good TC, cheers, probably need your email?
I'll start another thread to replace the Punt one
can someone please tell me what's going on? when TDP went down I came over here and registered aand made a couple of posts and then my registration and my posts disappeared. suggesting the site should be called betnoir can't have been that offensive :lookaround

anyway TDP is down again so I've re-registered. is this place going to be a permanent fixture? x-shite starts today so would like to know where the main thread is going to be - here or TDP?
Good to see you back Rob. Bit of a touchy subject with me I'm afraid because I posted a fucking sixteen to fucking one fucking winner on the day the place went down which has disapeared into the ether. Still, I'm not bitter about it. In fact I'm almost completely over it and only wake up in tears two or three times a night now thinking about it.

The doctor says I'll probably be fine.

It pains me to say it but, given that this place has been down for one day in the last two weeks - which is the length of time that TDP has actually been running, I'd say you might be better of posting your x shite here.