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Feedback and Suggestions

Maybe not bookie offers in the sidebar but defo a banner at least leading to your free bets forum. The bills have to be paid. Betnod bills i mean not all your bedroom tax lol
It not have a block to show latest comments on a forum basis? That would be good in the forums. Folks will be more likely to be captivated by a conversation if they saw what was being talked about. I wouldnt click the EPL thread for instance but if i saw kegman and ODM where having a laugh on there via the forum sidebar (which the frontpage sidebar might have missed due to amount of posts) i would visit the thread and get involved. If it wasnt there as i said i just wouldnt have got involved.
I just spent twice as much as i have to live on this week on a nice fancy menu. Madness i think they call it. Right ill piss off and get on and leave you all be. I do bore folks these days. Differant when my only interest was scottish footbll betting and playing with womens tits.
Thanks komp and It's taken on board although I have a feeling in another 12 months time we'll be having the same conversation lol.

I'm pissed, got hiccups and the wife's fcuked off to bed out of my way cause I've been talking shite, It's not a good combination although I'm sure I'm right until she say's otherwise in the morning.
ach it could be worse Slick. You could be still doing websites with me :lol

Im just gonna start drinking truth be told. Being off the dope and drink is getting me down a bit. starting to wonder whos life im leading anyway.

Ill keep it off topic on here slick so as no sod sees this place. This looks good for cheap eliquid. 60p per 10ml. Ive got an affiliate acount with them too so 10% off. Makes them sound reputable. Got all the old fav flavours too. Maybe too good to be true
right im gonna nick your colour scheme whilst im here as im shite at colours :lol
I'm half cut Komp tell the ntruth but I'm all for a bit of cheap eliquid.

I'm not even allowed to smoke the stuff in my local without going outside, got into a bit of a todo with the landlady the other week for smoking indoors but couldn't argue that much as she own's the joint, didn't matter what I said as I was always on a loser.

As for doing websites with you Komp I have no qualms with that, a new ecig forum seem's the obvious way to go imo as the one's at present seem stuck up their own arseholes, I reckon we could breathe some new light on the matter and I know all about ohms etc, ffs it's my job lol.

we may be 18 month's too l8 but it's better late than never as ecigs if they don't get banned are the future, we could CEO the market in no time.
Ill make up an OLB Ecig Place for now Slick....infact do it as we speak. Great urls i get esecially with ONLINE in my domain name. I read that any domain bought after 2006 will not be worth more that £60 such is the market. Been quoted £500 for mine and thats with nothing on it. Wait to you see whats gonna be on it. 5 million quid im gonna get for this one before i die im telling yah.

There we go

Ill go fire all the old ecig content in there in a bit and it will do the job. Get my liberty flights banner up etc. Just putting a betnod banner in the betting section as we speak. Need to work on the layput of it all though. Tell you what slick ill make you the owner of that ecig forum so as you can see whats going on. The layout manager can and will be turned off for you so dont let that put you off. Have a play about

Everyone needs their own Place on the internet these days especially one that lets them keep private notes and also post stuff as if its on a forum.
I'm just off to bed Komp but that will do for now and that's without me even looking at the fcuker lol/

Nah but we really need to get this sorted, I'll settle for OLB ecig forum so long as it doesn't go down for improvements every odd week or I'm just as happy to buy a new domain and forum and host it myself on the current server between us
to start afresh, that way you can tinker with OLB to your hearts content while the new ecig forum will be left alone :naughty

You'll have full server access to it and we split it 50/50, I reckon between us we could make a good go at it.

I'm off to bed now as I'm fcuked but will catch up over the weekend.
cheers slick. I couldnt be doing with running more than one website slick. You know what im like. thats why i made this one multi purpose. everything under the one roof i say. If you cant be arsed going it alone with a new domain then your welcome to keep that place going. You can fire your own banners etc in there.

Ill go get on slick and leave you to try and get a sly shag off moans. Try not wake her up :k
cheers slick. I couldnt be doing with running more than one website slick. You know what im like. thats why i made this one multi purpose. everything under the one roof i say. If you cant be arsed going it alone with a new domain then your welcome to keep that place going. You can fire your own banners etc in there.

Ill go get on slick and leave you to try and get a sly shag off moans. Try not wake her up :k

Nah you're right Komp , I woke up this morning thinking 'shite I hope he doesn't agree':lol, the work involved on reflection would probably take me over the edge.
we'll keep it in OLB.
aye no point in creating more work slick. you need to WANT to do it to do it well. speaking of OLB im changing the domain name tonight. Never really liked the name. I wont mention the new name but i like it :) all will be revealed.

Just here to mention that your bookie hotlinks dont seem to be working slick. Well William Hill doesnt at least.

Oh and your banner has been put up and taken back down since. I was reworking the category pages. Ill sort it when i get round to sorting them later slick.
You need more folks with the ability to delete/unpublish posts slick. thats twice ive been in here this weekend and spam has been sitting for at least an hour at your busiest times. this isnt me pullign any mods up im just saying that you should let a lot more folks be able to deal with this crap.
Spam gets deleted when we get around to it Komp. really, what difference does it make if a spam post is here for an hour or even ten hours. The regulars are too wise to be caught out by it and the people who aren't regulars don't matter.

Chill dude
mmm id have to differ im afraid ODM. When i see spam posts sitting for an hour and no ther new posts i think 'if they dont give a fuck why should i?' and i probably just give up thinking of posting and go off elsewhere.

My point here though is theres folks like traeth and TC about. why not give them the abilility to remove these posts even outwith a moderation role? memebers should be able to run a place themselves.

If i see a forum with spam i just move on im sorry.
well i sppose if you are only running the place for yourselves with no care or consideration about your guests and members then i can see what your saying ODM. You always said you didnt care if the place was poopular etc and thats apparent :lol

i mean that with no bitterness btw. man you all had it all and look at you? youve manage to turn it into shit.(and again i dont mean that bad nor bitter)
Just look after your own place Komp , instead of coming over here with ( so called ) constructive criticism , we don't need it...
man you all had it all and look at you? youve manage to turn it into shit.(and again i dont mean that bad nor bitter)

Not bitter, fair enough, can give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. I'm struggling though to see how "you've managed to turn it into shit" can not be meant badly :thinking Can turning something to shit be a good thing?