I'm half cut Komp tell the ntruth but I'm all for a bit of cheap eliquid.
I'm not even allowed to smoke the stuff in my local without going outside, got into a bit of a todo with the landlady the other week for smoking indoors but couldn't argue that much as she own's the joint, didn't matter what I said as I was always on a loser.
As for doing websites with you Komp I have no qualms with that, a new ecig forum seem's the obvious way to go imo as the one's at present seem stuck up their own arseholes, I reckon we could breathe some new light on the matter and I know all about ohms etc, ffs it's my job lol.
we may be 18 month's too l8 but it's better late than never as ecigs if they don't get banned are the future, we could CEO the market in no time.