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Feedback and Suggestions

Must we endure the profusion of commercialism, messages often shrouded in foreign tongues, which seems to have tainted this site in recent weeks? Are the Moderators verifying the source of such trading,and whither are we bound?

*Translation from verbal diarrhoea to plain English...

"These spam threads are doing me fookin' head in - can the Mods not ban them, or something?"
the spam posts have been deleted and were mentioned light-heartedly by members in some posts , perhaps if you had read them instead of the obvious spam it might have changed the tone of your post

this site very rarely deletes posts or threads , even ones containing "americanisms" are tolerated

edit ..seen got there first
The verbal diarrhoea of Dickens,of Charlotte Bronte and other authors,dissipated by a clandestine conspiracy of successive governments,examination boards and other commercial interests,irretrievably lost in the maelstrom of pervasive commercialism and junk culture,where Wayne Rooney advertised Coca Cola and John Terry was Father of the Year. I read all the posts and as a linguist understood the content,no doubt much to your chagrin,which is why I made a complaint in the first place.
The verbal diarrhoea of Dickens,of Charlotte Bronte and other authors,dissipated by a clandestine conspiracy of successive governments,examination boards and other commercial interests,irretrievably lost in the maelstrom of pervasive commercialism and junk culture,where Wayne Rooney advertised Coca Cola and John Terry was Father of the Year. I read all the posts and as a linguist understood the content,no doubt much to your chagrin,which is why I made a complaint in the first place.

Steve, why do you sometimes type a space after a comma and sometimes you don't (not at all in the above post)? With you obviously being such an articulate guy, I find this odd.
I read all the posts and as a linguist understood the content,no doubt much to your chagrin,which is why I made a complaint in the first place.

not so sure if this comment is directed towards me but you do not have to be a linguist to understand the comments made by punter in his post in one of his tipping thread, you only need an interest in betting and a sense of humour.

as an aside , I am of the opinion that people who regard themselves as linguists who have no ability to communicate with their adjacent neighbours in their mother tongue as very inferior linguists
. I read all the posts and (edit - should be a comma here you dumb fuck) as a linguist understood the content,no doubt much to your chagrin,which is why I made a complaint in the first place.
as an aside , I am of the opinion that people who regard themselves as linguists who have no ability to communicate with their adjacent neighbours in their mother tongue as very inferior linguists

I disagree, I often think of Steve as something close to a cunning linguist.
With regards to all the SPAM of late , Slicks done a bit of work behind the scenes which might improve things, i and the rest of the Mods have been banning and deleting folk left right and centre , sometimes we aren't on-line , so a few will post away merrily until we catch up with them ...

And Steves a full weight cunt , as they say round our way ... :ohwell
All xenforo forums are being hammered at the moment but with the new catchpa in place it's at least stopped 99% of new spam bots signing up.
The mods have done a great job of clearing them up otherwise the place would be in a right mess, what you see Steve is just a fraction of the shite that's posted.
All xenforo forums are being hammered at the moment but with the new catchpa in place it's at least stopped 99% of new spam bots signing up.
The mods have done a great job of clearing them up otherwise the place would be in a right mess, what you see Steve is just a fraction of the shite that's posted.

True - and a pat on the back to the Horsenap guys as well, who've been turfing them away by the shovel-load.

Except for that idiot beamer, obviously :lol
The mods have done a great job of clearing them up otherwise the place would be in a right mess, what you see from Steve is just a fraction of the shite that's posted.

Hate to be pedantic, but surely you were missing a word in that post, Slick?
Now I see the new catcpa is working I'll go and add it to Horsenap b4 I forget, see how I never used Horsenap as a guinea pig:wink
You all need more Traffic in here! It's only a fragment of the TDP Traffic and registered Members which shares the Betting Experience. What's up?
in my bed but i felt compelled to login and post that i think your bet365 banner up top Slick would look better wrapped in a div align="center" div
maybe even floated right would be better than left imo. with a wee bit of padding bottom.

ill sort out the betnod banner on olb when i get up
Cheers Komp.
All the banners want sorting out really, It's something I'll get round to eventually.
Mickey used to do them but since he went awol about 12 months ago nothing around the forum has really changed.
loll i thought that Slick. I felt an arse for mentioning but you know what im like with these things. Im getting better and better at this html and css stuff and i cant help myself sometimes. The banner aint that bad it just could be tidied up a bit as well why not i say.

Im back on track for making the best website in the world too. Its a cross between....well i dunno. its certainly unique what im doing i think. Private blogs, public blogs, forums etc all coming together in the middle with members controlling every part of their experience. Im quite excited by it. Wish i wasnt so excited by it as im supposed to be sourcing ecigs for us opening in a week or two. Indoor market has a Traders licence so i wont need one. Thats £200 ive saved.
I'd bring the right hand sidebar into forums too slick and maybe have decent links and bookies offers on there. Not Paul Ross Style fuck you lot its all about bookie offers stylee but stuff folks like. If you had a loads of decent links relating to each forum i think it would be a better experience for folks. All that space is just being eaten up with thread titles and none of them are actually using it.

Keep the sidebar off post displays but defo be a great thing to have about forums. Open in new page links to livescore, BBC, soccerway etc
speaking of which ill go add a banner to here on OLB. You wanting it anywhere special or any size Slick? Ill add it to the betting category probably. Ive just made the category up so it will look like shit the now. The betting category is just a collection of posts from all the user made places (forums and blogs) that theyve made up. Folks can choose to add posts there or not (not by default)